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Everything posted by AndyMay

  1. I don't believe she was actually in orbit. Instead just using anti-gravity/thrusters to prevent her from falling into the planet meaning when power was lost she would've simply fallen. That said I could be wrong. I'm no physicist after all. Just like to note I'm ignoring everything that was happening inside the ship.
  2. Banned for not needing to sleep now.
  3. Thank you rkman I keep hearing it mentioned but I had no idea what it actually was.
  4. Sorry for such a noobish question but can some please explain what translation is. I have no idea what it is, when to use it or how to use it.
  5. Banned because Chuck Norris told me to.
  6. Banned for being racist against Asari (and using your instead of you're)
  7. Banned for being a victim of the '2013 April forum user massacre'.
  8. Hi everyone! I've been playing KSP since 0.19 and I've been loving it, and that's without even adding any mods, so I thought I would finally join the forums and get involved in this great community! Also dare I asked what happened that caused everyone to lose their forum accounts?
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