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Everything posted by wolf9583

  1. Welcome to the forums - and I hope you have a great time working for Squad! Best of luck to you.
  2. That's impressive! Are you going to stick with a space plane for the rescue mission, or go with a lander?
  3. He's one with the Mun now, but I'm sure his clone will be popping up once again.
  4. Thanks Capt'n Skunky! Looking forward to getting to know some of you here.
  5. wolf9583


    Hey there everyone! I've had the full version of KSP for about two weeks now, played the demo about two weeks before purchasing and I have loved every second - even the total failures of my multiple Mun landing attempts (still working at it!). I have managed to put two satellites into orbit (still working on getting the equatorial orbit, but I'm close) as well as the core to a space station. I know I've still got quite a bit to learn with the game, and I'm really excited that I get to do that. Hopefully I can become a productive member of these forums, and be as good at this amazing game as some of the people I've seen. I'm looking forward to speaking with you all sometime! Edit: So I managed to make it to the Mun.
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