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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Landing at intended LZ almost never works out for me in atmosphere. Sometimes as bad as a quarter of the planet away.
  2. When they try and enter the capsule they are immediately teleported to to another dimension that resides in a box at bottom right of the screen. They no longer exist inside the capsule therefore should not add any weight. Working as intended if you ask me.
  3. I still aerobrake. just not as boldly now, The changes brought about another obstacle to overcome, another way to flirt with disaster. Losing is fun
  4. Decided to take my science rover into the drink and much to my surprise I got some very strange graphical issues. The way the launch effects moved across the surface of the water made for a nausea inducing experience. Even at full throttle I couldn't get over 5 or so meters per second not sure if the unretractable gear sticking out was responsible for that or water viscosity is now the same as tar. KSP v1.0.3 via Steam
  5. What is Chunkin? Maybe this video will give you an idea. Now for a kerbal version Stock Trebuchet version The Rules 1: A kerbal in a command seat must be included in the "ammunition" 2: No Wings, engines, decouplers, or SAS on the "ammunition" (wheels are allowed as long as you do not move the craft should it survive after launch) 3: No exploiting bugs 4: Longest distance wins. Measured at the kerbal to the chunker (only kerbals that survive the ordeal count, be sure to target your chunker after switching to the kerbal and provide a shot of the distance) and no moving kerbals after launching them. 5: Stock only, no modded parts or physics for main leader boards 5.1: modded will have its own leader board(still no modded physics though please) 6: Due to the nature of the challenge only video submissions will count (bandicam free allows for 10mins of recording time and there are many good free encoders on the intertubes) 7: Rule 6 may change if enough people complain about it 8: No Cheats! That means no clipping parts inside of one another. 9: Have fun 10: Parachutes are allowed to be a part of the ammunition 11: Your chunker can not move more than 25m from the spot it was placed after leaving the SPH/VAB. 12: keep within the spirit of the challenge and do your best to follow the rules, I'm not a .... and I enjoy seeing what you people come up with. 13: Do not cut your videos after launching your ammunition, feel free to cut while reloading but make sure and show the loading procedure at least once. 14: Please no videos over 10 mins long. 15: I may make new leader boards to accommodate submissions that break or bend a few rules I will try and update the leader board whenever a submission is made unfortunately the email sub to this thread and my phone letting me know I have an email is hit or miss lately. :confused:Stock No Engine Leader board:confused: 1. me@134.95m 2. 3. 4. 5. Stock with Engine(s) Leader board 1. Sensi 2456m 2. Rhomphaia 1584m 3. MarvinKitFox 1432.5m 4. 5. Modded Leader Board 1. Darren9 945m 2. 3. 4. 5.
  6. Stock or Mod I'd share the craft file but I had to reinstall ksp and lost it Its mostly stock except for a mirrored KW Rocketry Fin. It pretty much takes off and lands anywhere. I've landed and taken off from the mountain tops near KSC several times. water is a no go though(maybe in my next version). Stock physics(think near/far would rip it apart)
  7. Found a new easter egg They stayed hidden for so long because when approaching from the east or west they are just a thin green, blue, and purple line.
  8. I was trying to launch a rocket behind another rocket. I was going to start one and jump out and reclaim jeb if he lived, and then launch another rocket. Jeb had other plans though. No Cheats were used mods are FAR,KW,Deadly Reentry,Kerbal Alarm Clock, Procedural Wings, and Kethane
  9. The first attempt at flying this beast ended in tragedy when I staged the small perimeter tanks to early. In this pic you can see the tank flying up and in to the main rockets. It was probably going about 5m/s faster than the ship.
  10. First the ship. This 28 stage rocket has blown up only once and that was do to human error. The small outer tanks were needed for timing the solid fuel and first real stage to run out at the same time I realize it is not a very efficient design in that respect. Needless to say that those small tanks stage off rather quickly But it works out well for timing I didn't bother taking any screenshots of the transfers to Duna or back to kerbin But you can tell by the MET and fuel left that I didn't bother getting the most efficient xfers. I had originally planned for this behemoth to be an Eve sea level lander and return craft. So fuel was a none issue Chutes glorious chutes I made a mistake when trying to land a similar craft on Duna by trying to use the parachutes as the only means to slow down. That ship ended up in pieces when they fully deployed, that ended up leaving poor Jeb stranded(luckly that was in a different dimension). I avoided the same fate for this craft by slowing down with the engines and staggering the opening height(wasn't possible before) After finding the answers to the most important scientific inquiries about this giant red planet it was time to head home Jeb feel asleep with the lights on draining all the power. He twirled around as fast as he could though and it was enough to keep a good heading I skipped landing on the Ike as my science modules were already in use but I did get a high and low flyby eva reports o/ Back to Kerbin Tasty data
  11. Top speed in the video is 27.? Could go faster with a larger hill
  12. Wanted a station in orbit with at least a two orange tank reserve, came up with this design. The docking went way smoother than I had expected, but was still quite a challenge. No mods installed ship is completely stock. I revised the final version of the two ships. Adding 4 additional struts to make the middle docking ports a little sturdier as the inline wheels attached to them was making them wobble, and adjusted the docking lights Even though the nav ball isn't showing the heading indicator as going straight toward the other ship they were in fact inching very slowly straight toward each other, the nav ball became quite misleading as they got closer and closer. Would have went with the bigger docking ports but I haven't unlocked them yet
  13. Using only ant(LV-1 and LV-1R) engines I managed to get into orbit 233 part count 144 engines 125 engines activated at launch 14.05 tons on the pad
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