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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Anyone else have this? I launched a satallite into a 110,000m orbit around kerbin to test the scanner. and, nothing. It says its scanning but there are no noises and the map does not update. Any help would be helpful, Thanks!
  2. Mostly aimed at modders and the devs, but it would be nice for some tutorial missions explaining how to rendezvous and dock, now while you can watch vids on youtube showing you how, I think it's best you do it yourself in a step by step tutorial. Agree? Disagree?
  3. getting by all the confusing math. Doing a gravity turn around 10,000meters saves feul
  4. 0.19 orbiting kerbin around 20fps 0.20 orbiting kerbin 1 to 10 fps. my PC is kinda bad but it ran 0.19 decently enough
  5. Hey I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but, docking is impossible right now. whenever i select a target like a space station and get close there no icon that say "name here 12.2km" whats wrong here? and is there any way to fix this? thank you for any replies!
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