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Everything posted by zepticon

  1. Just bumbing this but tell me if that's not allowed
  2. Fixed the download links and merged them in to 1 zip
  3. Thanx and i wil begin to make more boats and maybe start 1 single Thread for my boats i just started a big project to make a freighter wil only contain vanilla parts
  4. 194 views and no comment Please leave a comment people and tell me what or if i need to change something on the craft
  5. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34938277/Pansoz%20Class%20Ships.rar This is Panzor Cargo Carrier MK1 it can reach a speed up to 22.1 m/s it is made out of 222 parts How to use Simply get it safly in to the water do not enter the water in more than 7 m/s Steering Q+A = Left ( pushing one of each wil not do anything you need to push them both E+D = Right ( pushing one of each wil not do anything you need to push them both =================================================================================== This is Panzor Cargo Carrier MK2 it can reach a speed up to 11.1 m/s it is made out of 334 parts How to use Use the motor wheels to get it in to the water do not enter the water in more than 7 m/s then start the engines and throttle to max
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