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Everything posted by CaptJack92a

  1. I don't know if you know of this bug yet or not, but it sometimes makes some of the ui disappear as well as my ships.
  2. I had already tried that when you first recommended it. I still don't get anything, when I am in EVA, I walk on launchpad to the detachable connector and right click it, nothing happens no matter how close I am. I left click, nothing. EDIT: Nix that, I just doscovered some stragglers from the .19 files in "parts" If anyone else is having the same issues, check your root folders and compare them to the downloaded folder to make sure nothing from KAS is in the other folders. I am going to try it again with everything KAs deleted ACCEPT the KAS in game data. EDIT 2: It worked. Everyone with this issue needs to clean out all old KAS files/folders and make sure only the KAS in Game data exists.
  3. Will you also be looking into the context menu not showing the "Detach and release" option for the plug thing? I have a ship docked at station waiting for this upgrade to be installed before it begins it's long term missions.
  4. @KospY: No, the context menu doesn't show a "Grab" or "Detach and Grab" option for moving the port itself.
  5. Having way too much fun with EVA tethers. Fantastic mod! Don't ever stop working on it please!
  6. I am having trouble. Trying to test out connecting for resource transfer and nothing works. Nor can I un attach the radial connector port (dis mountable) piece. Is this still a bug or am I doing something wrong? EDIT! Never mind, didn't see the alt key specific. That will take getting use to. Anyway, Radial connector port (dis mountable) still not dismounting.
  7. Me as well! I have a large ship build and can't wait to be able to help stabilize it as it wobbles a lot. It constructed in space so obviously it doesn't yet have quite as many constraints as I am comfortable with.
  8. This would be a great include in an update. I know this is probably a bit of a stretch, but was the conversation above about rigid body dynamics for the tubes? Or did I miss interpret that? Either way, that would make things cool. There's already rigid body with flags. I really enjoyed the tube animations in the game moon base alpha. I should make another topic about this though...
  9. I wanted to be kept in the loop as to when this was updated, so I'm making this reply. I can't use it in it's current state, but when it is updated to work with 0.20 I will be anxious to play with it! The uses with EVA are especially exciting as sometimes my ship doesn't like to align with my Kerman and I wind up getting a distance from it and have to use up a lot of fuel to return. Any idea on when it will be ready? Looks exciting! Can't wait til the update!
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