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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm mostly looking for graphics I can pass along to the library to print out for promotional use. I guess I could see if some Kerbal Wallpapers are appropriate. I'd still like to see if there was something more official or something someone had used before.
  2. I'm going to be doing an Apollo 11 anniversary event at my local library with standard KSP. The library has a 'teen' room with 4 steam computers and KSP was already on all of them. So I was wondering if there is a press pack with some images with some KSP descriptions already available. Surely someone has done this before.
  3. Awesome. Thanks for the prompt response by the way. This is a good mod. I have been enjoying it greatly. Will certainly be looking forward to further developments.
  4. Thanks for the reply and Edit. The edit I'll leave to you because I really only kinda understood it. Your previous questions I will answer as I can: 1 - I am pretty sure I am going the correct direction. hopefully the save file will bear that out. 2 - This was a new contract. 3 - However, when I changed to this version I had an old contract out for a polar orbit that was incomplete at the time of change. It morphed into a contract almost exactly like this one (same parameters and on screen guides) but with a goo can requirement. I canceled that one and took another SAT contract and go this one. I cannot reliably remember if I closed the program at any point. I do not remember doing so until I tried to match it once. After that I reset and reloaded to see if it was an error. 4 - The save information is here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/110197558/quicksave%20%233.sfs https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/110197558/persistent.sfs This is the vessel used though the save should have that: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/110197558/Mercury%20II.craft I will say that I am running a lot of mods but none of them deal with the contract system to my knowledge. If you want a full list I could rez it up. The vessel on this mission should be made from stock parts entirely. It should be flying still under the Mercury II designation from the Tracking Station.
  5. So I may being showing myself as the rocket newb that I am but I am having trouble figuring this out: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/110197558/screenshot5.png I have a contract to place a Satellite around Kerbin. Apo 400,000m Per 400,000m Inclination 0 Longitude of Asc Node 0 5% Deviation limit I have matched the Equatorial Orbit as indicated with a very tight 400,000m +/-50m Satellite. However the orbit is not checked as satisfied. The Ascending Node tooltip reads 106.6 degrees. I have no idea why. The Descending Node reads -73.4 degrees. Again, no idea. I might be wrong but it seems that if I zero out the ascending node I will still be left with 180 degree descending node. I am not sure how to satisfy the requirements of the contract.
  6. Ahh. You were correct. I don't Remember where I got the files the first time but it must have been Jeb's Discount Webring. Downloading from your location fixed it. Cheers.
  7. Hi, I am getting an odd problem where Ships correctly have LifeSupport resources but none ever deplete. I have gotten this behavior in Windows on both 64 and 32bit versions for KSP, career and sandbox, new and old saves. The configuration box prompt does not appear at the KSC screen. The build helper also does not appear in the VAB. This is true regardless of whether toolbar is installed. The only other mod installed is ModuleManager.2.2.1.dll Logfile is hosted here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/110197558/TAC%20output_log%20Xaidian%2081514948.txt I have used this mod before and really enjoyed it, never had any problems in the past. Thanks for your hard work.
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