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Everything posted by virgil_182

  1. FYI, I've noticed the mod doesn't recognize the USI nuclear reactors as power sources. When I try to get my nuclear powered Karibou rover to drive using the mod I get the message telling me the rover is under powered and to do something about it. The rover has more power than it needs, at any speed, from the reactor. When you get a chance, adding these power sources would be great. Meanwhile I am just going to have to drive 6 hours by hand to pick up a desperately needed supply drop (dropped from Munar orbit using deployable airbags) that bounced a little hard and is now 75 KM downrange from my Kerbals who need that food. hehe Seems like a great mod though, Looking forward to allowing my Kerbals to drive themselves. Thanks
  2. Is this mod dead? I really love the idea of it but it seems broken in it's current implementation. Even with a clean KSP install and no other mods but this one running, as soon as you switch away from the active vessels first flight ALL vessels default to Cramped fitness level and stay that way indefinitely. If a vessel is landed on a bodies surface KeepFit correctly shows the crew as Exercising but every vessel in space remains Cramped. :\
  3. This is a fantastic mod. Rising quickly on my must have mod list ! For both aesthetic and engineering reasons, however, I use procedural tanks exclusively, and it seems that DangIt does not recognize them as tanks. Any chance you might look into getting your mod to support procedural tanks modules as well ? Thanks for a great mod.
  4. Please make windowed mode cameras a .cfg file option instead of the only available mode. I would actually love to keep the full screen cameras. I am playing a full IVA playthrough, and these cameras are the only method I've been able to come up with out to force IVA on probes, making using the the probe control room mod necessary.
  5. I am experiencing the infinite fuel bug, even if this is the only mod I install over a fresh KSP 0.23 install. A shame, I would really like to try this mod. Perhaps the developer had an infinite fuel tweak turned on for testing and simply forgot to remove it from the download ?
  6. This is a great mod. In my install, however, whenever a ship with the tank parts loads I get a lot of text on the right side of my screen, detailing texture loading details, etc... I assume this is a debug option. How do I turn it off ? Even if I can't turn it off it won't stop me from using these great tanks, but it would be nice to have a little less screen clutter when ships are loading. Thanks again for the hard work.
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