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Everything posted by Relic13

  1. Does anybody else experience FAR getting pretty borked when using (some) SSTU parts in RO/RP0 etc? I've noticed that FAR analysis goes wonky if one changes the lox/hydrolox tanks length - especially with the shroud engine mounts. Sometimes changing engine mounts and and tank lengths brings correct(ish) analysis and voxels back. But Other tanks just don't seem to be detected at all though, such as the soyuz style addons. Also, even if the analysis and voxels show up in the hanger, on flights FAR often ceases to show mach / dynamic pressure status etc if SSTU tanks are in use. Also on a RP0 note: - SSTU decouplers (the basic one without separation solids) are outrageously more expensive than normal proc ones - seems to be like 6-8 times as much for the same function / size.. Guess you pay a premium for the nicer looks . - Empty Service bays are also very very pricey. Aside from sometimes putting some science stuff in them on probes, i use them often to hide the unmanned avionics since I find being forced to a specific diameter for each avionics unit rather annoying... But the empty service bay ends up costing like 3-4x as much as the command pod its barely hiding. Other sug: - I know on git or w/e there was some discussion about moving away from mass limits on avionics (personally I don't mind it and infinitely prefer that over something even more arbitrary such as part count - since i often use extra proc parts to make ships look nicer / less crude etc). But what about (if its even possible) limiting the # of science experiments or w/e that can be carried by any individual avionics unit (cumulative like mass). This also pushes towards probes with different experiments on them instead of one probe to rule them all. - Also, early game doing something like MRBM/IRBM/ICBM contracts. (Alas, on hard at least the early the grind to get past 40 ton limit + orbit maneuvers gets a bit monotonous). Obv not with explosives but dummy warheads more like. So something along lines of development of Redstone/Thor/Atlas etc : - Reach apo of X - prior to impact at a given alt check have X amount of lead ballast (dummy warhead payload) - Horizontal dist from launch of Z.
  2. I figured I'd show just two of my B9 creations First is my shuttle: As was mentioned before balance is kept during flight by staging the engines to maintain controllable center of thrust. (Ie on take off only 1 of the shuttle engines is active and as your staging progress the others come online. And of course, I needed to make something super awesome for it to dock to. Thus my kerbal odyssey inspired space station. It also has extending solar panels alternating on the outside of both rings. But what I find most fun is doing VTOL craft with FAR. Though I'm still working on my VTOL SSTO creation. It can only do about a 1/2 orbit in space so far, and reentry is problematically unstable.
  3. In case your in need of larger oxygen supplies for your extended voyages: [RCS logo has been removed from the oxygen tanks since this screenshot was taken - and the tank at bottom is the large fuel tank with original colors] I edited Talisar's Spherical Fuel Tank mod to also have it's own oxygen tanks for use with this mod. They come in both full and empty versions (in case launching weight is an issue). I recolored the banding to fit in with the existing Crew Support stuff. I left the descriptions the same as the existing large O2 tank except I updated the No. of days each tank would supply. The download link is on the main post in Talisar's thread. Relic
  4. I ended up launching the station in 1 part. Initially I was going to assemble it in orbit, but I couldn't get the ring right if I were to dock them all together. Also the big tanks don't play well with engines that are docked (so heavy). So in an effort to (ultimately) reduce the stations part count I decided that if I launched it in one mammoth vehicle I'd save on parts for non needed docking ports. I guesstimate saving something like 35 parts. My launch vehicle though was nearly 1700 tons. It took many, many failed attempts at 3fps to finally get it dialed in to reliably place the station in LKO as a whole. Edit... Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I'll send up another and dock them together
  5. Here's my station featuring spherical tanks Currently in LKO awaiting (many) refueling trips before depaturture But wait, those don't look like spherical fuel or mono tanks, they have blue trim. Any space exploration vessel with this crew capacity sure needs a lot of oxygen. So I made new parts from the mono tanks by edited the textures and cfg's to work and (aesthetically fit in) with IonCross Crew Support. (Also updated the description for them indicating the # of day supply per tank) LMK if you want them.
  6. ^^ Yea I like how they are currently recessed on the sides of the Karmony modules. Makes a great place for me to place needed battery packs and just put the CBM's on top of those. Looks good and ends up shimming out enough as well.
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