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Posts posted by SquidDNA

  1. 16 hours ago, taniwha said:

    SquidDNA: no worries about that, mixing mods like EL and MKS can get a little confusing as to which mod is doing what.

    As to your problem: while not saying this is the case for you, EL shuts itself down on 64-bit windows KSP due to its brokenness (hopefully this will come to an end with KSP 1.1). Works fine on 64-bit linux KSP (it's what I use). If that's not the problem, then make sure you have a suitable part attached. I don't know my way around MKS, but if you check the config files for ExLaunchpad or ExSurveyStation, you can find the parts.

    64-bit OS but 32-bit KSP. 

    So the "launchpad" part has

    // Add Build Capability
        name = ExLaunchPad

    and the "MKS_EL_OrbDock" part (which I've been banging against my head) has

    // Add Build Capability
            name = ExLaunchPad
            SpawnHeightOffset = 3

    As a test I loaded "launchpad" into "Kerbal Space Program\Parts\" to bypass MKS's EL parts filter and opened the sandbox. I got the survey station, which I filled with kerbals and put on the runway. I sent Jeb out to hammer a stake in the ground and went back inside. There was no construction button when I right clicked on the survey station. All I can think to try next is to reinstall all the mods I have loaded. I appreciate your help. 

  2. Sorry taniwha, I thought MKS used its own production scheme for shipbuilding. It's been awhile since I've used EL and I've not used it with MKS recently.

    Thanks, I was a little worried not being able to find that part meant there was a problem with the install. Is there any more information I can provide to help explain this problem?

  3. Gamerscircle-- it sounds like it might be a MKS productivity issue.

    As for myself-- I don't appear to have EL installed correctly and I can't figure out why. I'm running USI Kolonization and I don't get EL UI from the Orbital Shipyard part. 

    • I have ModuleManager.2.6.18.dll in GameData. Also the ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads folder (the one containing "Agencies" "Internals" "Parts" "Resources" "Ships" EL_MM.cfg etc.) is inside of GameData.
    • EL parts (mallet, stakes) are viewable in the VAB / SPH.
    • Toolbar is 1.7.10 and works fine for USI Kolonization, Crew Manifest, Chatterer, etc.

    I appreciate any insight you can offer.

    Also, it's been awhile since I used EL, but is it still true that there's a little part you have to put on your ship to flag it for an offworld build, or am I thinking of another similar mod?

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