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Posts posted by Armokh

  1. I did quick searching and didn't find topic like this, so I decided to start my own. As from .21 we have Astronaut Complex and our Victims Kerbalnauts are no longer disappearing we can now show each other Funniest/Most Awesome names.

    For me it would be:

    Chuck Kerman - (who is just as awesome as Jeb and is capable of surviving lithobarking from orbit :0.0: )

    Archibald Kerman - (just funny name)

    Scott Kerman - (of course after Scott Manley)

    Please show yours!

  2. Yogui87, any chance you might make a bigger version or versions of the Prometheus lander with balloons? I find it an awesome way to land rovers and the like but you have now created an itch i want to scratch and build my own rovers that land in such nacelles. Or Maybe a part which would allow me to attach deploy able balloons to the craft, i know another Mod had this back in .20 but it borked the game.

    I agree. It's amazing way to land things, so could You make 2 or 3 bigger versions?

  3. Scott Manley in one of his videos said that Minmus cant be made of water ice because its too dense, and is propably made of some kind of salt. Another fact is that atmosphere on Laythe would reduce radioactivity by reflecting it, and Laythe is bigger so it has stronger Van Allen belts which would also defend against radioactivity, plus oxygen makes you able to create fuel efficient exploration crafts.Temperature is also not killing zero absolute but at lower parts of atmosphere its even above 0.

  4. Thank you! Kerbals are aspiring to be inspiring with spirelike stations so both names are ok :wink:. I used wayland 20m station ring to lower partcount (building ring from trusses would be hell...). Smaller rings were made around 2m->3m adapter plate. No Lags on my computer :cool: and three docking ports mean that its not only monument of kerbal engineering but its also useful.

    EDIT: Next time I'll built something bigger but now I'm waiting till 0.21

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