this wasn't done for this challenge, but i guess it meets the criteria. i landed some kerbals at sea level on eve and returned them to kerbin. this was done in 0.20, and the only mod used was the engineer mod for the design, it was removed for the flight. entire imgur album (i only included a few of the images below). reddit post as for a sampling device/container, i chose to use the kerbals space helmets: leaving eve: orbital EVA, keep in mind that the kerbal helmet is the sample container, so the sample is transferred to the new ship: back on kerbin: mission/ship details: 1665 tons/541 parts at launch, 14 ton interplanetary return craft (jettisoned into a stable orbit around eve), 156 tons/223 parts lander (160 tons while descending to the surface), 4 tons abandoned on eve surface (2 kerbal lander-can and landing gear). all rules met: 1. parts were all stock - done 2. must have something to take a sample - kerbal space helmet - done 3. craft must involve a pod - a pod is 'involved', one is used on the interplanetary return ship (why is this even a rule?) - done 4. land back on kerbin - done