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Everything posted by Raptor831

  1. No, I intended to have them in the config. I thought I had all of the engines fixed up. Which ones did I miss? And for reference, the tanks are not included with the Stockalike config. Technically, that's either Real Fuels' proper or the mod authors themselves' responsibility to add that in. We can submit pull requests to the MFT/RF repository also, so they can be included in the next RF version, which I'm doing for some of the tanks that I find missing.
  2. Ok, I've got my KSP install updated enough to test these properly again. I've noticed I'm behind on a few mods, so I want to ask a favor of you all: Let me know which mods have parts that aren't set up with Stockalike. I've looked back through the thread, and someone said RLA was off. I've seen a few ones in my last test (that of course I can't remember which mod it is), so I know they're in there somewhere. Just leave a note here if you remember anything that's missing. I want to get this updated to the latest version of the mods it has, since I let this get a bit behind. One thing I do know, KOSMOS updated recently and I haven't grabbed the new version to see. If anyone's using that, let me know if I need to update. I don't really use KOSMOS myself anymore (ran out of RAM), so it's a bit under my radar. Thanks as always!
  3. Bummer. Sucks, I know, but sometimes that's the only way to figure it out.
  4. I have a ~2010 (can't remember exactly) iMac (i7 processor) that's running KSP and Yosemite just fine. Haven't done any extensive testing, but it appears to be running better (if not at least with the same speed) as before.
  5. One think you might like is this mod here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68619 Have no idea if it works in .25 but this was how I tested PQS settings. You can re-render the planets in game to see what changes need to be made. It's not 100% accurate (i.e. a change you see in game doesn't always change the same when loading from start) but it's close enough.
  6. Best I can tell, I'd try removing KIDS, then the Engine Gimbal mod. I have about 80% of your mods in my game, so I don't know what else it would be. It could be anything that adjusts how engines work (and the LV-N trimodal is a very edge-case engine in the Stockalike config). And I've not had any experience with a *nix install or 64-bit for my config, so you're in new territory there. That said, if RF is working fine then the config should be fine. First, you're welcome! And since I haven't mentioned it in this thread, the 6.4x Kerbol config has been picked up by Paul Kingtiger. His version (found here) is much more up to date. As for new engines, for that range I'd look at FASA. The Titan 2nd stage engine (LR-91??) is about that thrust. Maybe SXT has some engines near there. Honestly, if you have Procedural Fairings, you can use the multi-node thrust plate thing and add a cluster of smaller engines to get close to your thrust needs. As of now, yes. In AJE, the SABREs use hydrogen and the RAPIERs use kerosene since both the SABREs and the RAPIERs are essentially the same thing. Gives you a reason to choose one over the other.
  7. I can't tell from a quick look at the log. But I can say you probably want to check out Paul Kingtiger's fork of this config. I haven't updated this for the new version of KSP or RSS, so I don't know what could be messed up. Link here. He's gotten everything up-to-date with .25 and the new RSS. You can remove the EVE configs if you don't want that involved.
  8. Which mods do you have? I can at least hazard a guess of which one it might be! It'd probably be anything that messes with engine configs or the ModuleEngine, if you can narrow that down. EDIT: Updated the release and OP with the fixes from Whovian. Thanks again!
  9. Cool, I'll get that into the repo soon. And I'm not sure if the SABREs need to have EI on them or not. They're really designed to be like a jet engine, which as far as EI is concerned is pretty much unlimited restarts. I'd lean towards no, but what does everyone think? Can't tell from the log myself, but I'd try it with just RealFuels and Stockalike installed and see if the config is busting with that engine. I don't think NathanKell changed anything with the multi-mode engines, but if he did that might be why. But from what I can tell the log is saying it can't find ModuleEngines. Which is a bit odd. I'll double check the configs just to be sure, though.
  10. Ah, phooey. Looks like between the latest B9 version and the latest RF something got left behind. Your config looks right, Whovian, but I believe the index needs to start at 0, not 1. So like this: @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 // first instance of MEFX { ... } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 // second instance of MEFX { ... } You can also key off of the engine ID instead if you're not confident of the order. So like this: @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]:HAS[#engineID[AirBreathing]] { ... } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]:HAS[#engineID[ClosedCycle]] { ... } If you're on GitHub, send me a pull request. If not, just paste it here or PM it to me. I really need to get my KSP install up and running again to test these blasted things properly... Oh, and I didn't read that as rude. That was a very nice bug report, so thanks!
  11. Ah! Sorry. There were a few density changes in the "source" XLS to match the new resources. NathanKell updated a few of those with more accurate numbers since he realized a few were off. So, it's not quite as simple as just find-replace. If I goofed on any change, do let me know.
  12. For anyone interested, I've updated the config to the new resources for RF 8.x. I'm not calling this a release yet, since I haven't tested this well. So, if you use it, let me know if it's working well for you. You can download from the repository, which is linked in the OP. PS - Thanks Whovian for posting your fix! I do appreciate that. For anyone in the future, if this needs a fix and I'm not around, feel free to post a hotfix here. The license allows this, but just to be extra clear.
  13. Anyone tried the 6.4 config with Fine Print? Last time I looked through the code on that plugin, it was defining orbit by the defined planetary variables, so you could technically get contracts for the proper heights. Never tried it though. Also, Paul, I'd love it if you put this on GitHub. I'd love to help out when I can via pull requests.
  14. Yes, please do! It'd be helpful. We didn't "solve" it really. We just limited the number of conversions per part and added a few "duplicate" converters to accommodate the wealth of resources.
  15. Just find and replace all of the old resources with the new resources. That's it. I'm looking to update this in the near future, now that the Stockalike Configs are updated and I have the new data.
  16. Well, I lied. Updated the configs with the new Aerojet Kerbodyne engines (I think) and added engine costs. Again, haven't gotten a chance to test this well, but it all should be good. I do need feedback on the costs. But I went ahead and made a true release (v2.0!) so the OP is updated. For the costs, I scaled the cost algorithm to the stock Mainsail's cost. The cost should scale with effectiveness (higher ISP = greater cost, more thrust = higher cost), so the nuclear engines are really expensive (as they should). Let me know if anything seems out of whack.
  17. Have not applied those as of yet. Wanted to make sure all of the engines were updated and fine first. That'll be my next project. Basically, I need to add the engines to the XLS and it'll spit out the config. Aerojet I know there are new engines that aren't updated in this config. As with my reply above, I'm working on it! I'll see if I can carve some time out tomorrow (Wednesday) and knock a few of these out.
  18. Replaced the current LANTR config with the one you posted. Repo is updated. I'm thinking this should be ready for a "release" here, so next time I load everything up I'll do a double check for myself. If you have any other bugs or suggestions to note, let me know.
  19. Well that didn't take long. Any nuclear engine would cause issues, since the nuclearFuel/nuclearWaste resource was not updated in the configs. This has been fixed and the repo has been updated. Redownload from there.
  20. The only breaking change (in regards to the NFP config) from RF 7.x to 8.x is the resource names. If you search and replace everything that changed, it should be compatible. Namely: N2O4 is now NTO, and LiquidH2 is now LqdHydrogen. You can do that with Notepad or TextEdit or any other text editor you have, just find and replace. Since aristurtle's license allows it, I'll post that here. RF 8.x compatible NearFuture Propulsion config (click download source in the top right) This is all aristurtle's work, with the only changes being the resource names are updated. EDIT: Ninja'd I'll check that out today. Thanks for the info.
  21. You're welcome! Let me know if you find anything odd. Also wanted to mention about the KSPI methane engine. It is not a direct port of the Raptor engine, and that is intentional. The XLS, which is set up by people much smarter than I, was implying that the thrust and ISP were way out of line with the rest of the engines unless the engine mass was substantially increased. Since that's not really in-line with what the Stockalike configs are (or at least what I want them to be), I chose to keep the thrust as initially designed, increase the ISP to somewhere near those numbers, and decrease the mass slightly. All of this is in the XLS, which is in the repo now. The calcs probably weren't set up to account for the staged combustion cycle that SpaceX is using, but even so, I just didn't like where it went with the reported numbers. That said, I've been pondering a large heavy lift methane/LOX engine to fill that role in Stockalike. Most likely this would be a 3.75m engine with those thrust numbers (or at least closer). Probably will do a part-copy alternate config for a NovaPunch or KW engine to do so, or maybe the KX-2 stock one. Most engines in this class don't even come close to 8000 kN, and the only ones that do are boosters from NovaPunch (which I might nerf a bit). If you want a straight Raptor clone, I imagine the RO thread has that somewhere. Still, the XLS is there for a reason. If you'd like to tweak it for your personal install, feel free. The instructions are in the file, and it's exactly how I generate these files. Do come back and let me know how it goes, if you do!
  22. Ok all, I've updated the configs fully to RF 8.x. I have not tested these yet, so I'm not making an official release at least until tomorrow. The files are updated on the repo, however, so for anyone willing you can grab them and test them out. Let me know of any bugs or omissions. (Repo link here) Few things to note: The thrust is now the same for all configs, so all Hydrolox engines will now have 33% more thrust than they did before. Makes it easier going forward, but might throw off any current designs. This is in line with what NathanKell had in his latest datasets. The new resource data has been used, so some fuel/oxidizer ratios may be a bit tweaked. Fair warning. This now includes KSPI engines, Tantares, MRS, and the BahaSP release. RCS thrusters in those packs are included as well. The Monoprop stock engine I missed before should be included as well.
  23. Trust me, Office 2011 for the Mac doesn't fare much better! Stupidly enough, 2009 version on my 7-year-old black MacBook runs it like a dream. Go figure... OpenOffice does a decent job, but you can't seem to add newline characters inside a cell, which is rather important to that sheet. And for reference, I am not the original creator of that spreadsheet magic. NathanKell set up the original sheet for his "Reach for the Stars" thread/configs and someone (Chestburster I believe) adjusted the engines for stock. I took that and began to add/tweak engines and then added new features (ModuleEngineFX and the new RCS configs) as needed. A with all of my mods, I stand on the shoulders of others and make some enhancements. In any case, I've updated my XLS with the new resource data, so all that's left is to add the new engines. Hopefully, I'll have something by the end of the weekend to release. EDIT/ADDITION: Does anyone have some data on the real (or the real data) aluminum hybrid engine that the KSPI one is based upon. I'd like to add that into the sheet, but so far I can't find any data on mixture ratios, ISP, etc. Unless, of course, the original configs are good and accurate, in which case I'll just update those.
  24. There's a commented out piece in the standard RSS config (under the Earth/Kerbin entry I believe) that will do the export. I've seen it but never used it. IIRC there's some instructions there too.
  25. Yeah, computer is limping along ok at the moment. I'm running from an external drive until I can get a new drive. I'm on an iMac too, which pretty much means I need to hit the Apple store (and pay the Apple tax) to fix it. Good hardware, but boy do you pay for it. Also, I'm adding Tantares to my list. And yes, that spreadsheet is a nightmare. To get it to conjure magic, though, there's really not another way short of writing code to do so. Not in the mood to wrangle a Python script or something to do that! Going back a bit on this, but Nathan, what is the cost column based on? I looked at it for 0.24 but it seemed odd to me, and it being Stockalike I figured Squad/Mods would be close to stock-ish anyway. I'll see about cost all around though, considering that really alters how you play, and gives another layer of choice (more $ = more ISP/thrust/etc). And I like choices.
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