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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've run into the same problem, only I could send a Kerbal on EVA, and I could go back to the space center. Both didn't help, as pushing the piece of fairing away didn't work and the space center thought the craft was "landed on Mun". I had a save from before launch, so I could revert to that. I don't think there's a way to fix this.
  2. Releasing the launch clamps without igniting the engines is probably a classic. What happens to me frequently is that go into time warp instead of throttling up because I confuse the keys in the heat of the moment.
  3. I started a new save with 23.5, so what I have now is a refueling station, a pointless satellite and a debris cloud from a huge probe that got torn apart for reasons I can't really explain (might have been the 30+ xenon tanks that were clipped into each other).
  4. I knew virtually nothing about orbital mechanics or space flight before KSP. Except for real simple stuff like "fire comes out the back, rocket accelerates".
  5. Jet-O-Matic. It was a hilarious death trap.
  6. Agreed, and I hope for wind on planets with atmosphere to be implemented in later versions to justify those sound effects.
  7. Yes, make the base wide enough and you can easily land on a 30% slope.
  8. I like the craters, too. If anything, they make the Mun's landscape more authentic. I have yet to run into trouble finding a decent landing spot.
  9. It seems easy because you more or less already know what you're doing, have probably put ships into orbit and to other planets and all that. Easy science points. A beginner will still have to figure all that stuff out. And like Kerbonautical said, it's only a template. What we see now is probably nothing like the career mode Squad plans for the future.
  10. I try to at least maintain the illusion of an ethical space program. That means I will always rescue Kerbals stranded on Mun, Minmus or in Kerbin orbit. Happens quite a lot, because I'm not a good player. Any further away than that, I can't be bothered to do it. These guys... let's say, they have "accidents".
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