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Posts posted by XerZin

  1. So I would like to try this out but im confussed, "The MMI Satellite and Payload Packs can still be" do I NEED to use these parts or are they just extra? If I need them why are they not in the download link in the first thread?

    Never mind! :sealed:

    Anyone know a good tutorial for this? :P And can I put this in my Mods map? KSP/Gamedata/mods

    Scott Manley, like allways thank you. Last question remains. Cant play atm so if this question gets a answer before I can I would love it :)

  2. Well thanks for the respons :) Im thinking on Duna since alot of people go there after Mun instead of Minmus. And like you say Duna have a atmosphere, lower then Kerbin but anyway, aerobraking manuvers in a couple of orbits, parachutes with a litle bit of thrust from the engines and landing gear out. Think the hardest part is to get there with fuel left, atleast for me mohaha.

    I love this forum :) So many helpfull people

  3. Hello!

    So I've send probes, rovers and kerbals to the Mun and Minmus, built a space station in Kerbin orbit and now I would like to see other planets/moons in the Kerbol system.

    My question is, where should I go first or what is the easiest planet/moon outside of Kerbin? What do you think?

    Please, if you have the time make a list and maybe say why this is the easiest :)

    My guess would be another planet and from that planet to a moon/satellite.

    We have from the Kerbol and out(Wiki):

    *Moho (planet)

    *Eve (planet)

    -Gilly (asteriod)

    *Kerbin (planet)

    -Mun (moon)

    -Minmus (moon)

    *Duna (planet)

    -Ike (moon)

    *Dres (planet)

    *Jool (planet)

    -Laythe (??)

    -Vall (??)

    -Tylo (moon)

    -Bop (asteroid/moon?)

    -Pol (??)

    *Eeloo (planet)

    Btw, a satellite.. is exactly what? Read that a "Natural satellite or moon is a celestial body that orbits a planet or a smaller body." So in another word of satellite is..

  4. Yeah they should move the end flight buttom or atleast add a "Do you want to end the flight Yes-No" window.

    Well congratulations on the landing :) If you manage to get into a orbit around the mun the hard part is over :P Aim for the retrograd marker and burn burn burn, be careful the last 100 meters and make sure you dont have a to high velocity and you should be fine :P

  5. Yeah I did check the Wiki again I start thinking on the atmospheric height, if there isn't any atmosphere, check the highest terrain. If there is a atmospheric height be above it. Sorry everyone for the stupidity, didn't exatly think straight. 101-physic.

    Thank you for the chart! Now I dont need the wiki for that part anymore :)

    Aeshi if you don't mind, I will add that to my first post for anyone that thinks like I did couple mins ago. Thank you Aeshi for the chart and thanks to everyone else that freshed up my mind.

  6. So where is the limit of every Planet/Moon for the lowest orbit before the gravity takes you and you start to "fall" down towards the surface. I checked the Wiki but I didn't understand exactly what to look for.

    Example: Wiki - Says the lowest stable orbit for Kerbin is 70km. So I could make a orbit at 70km but if it would go down to 69km, where the Atmospheric Height is, I would start falling?

    This planet has a atmospheric height but not every planet does.

    Im confussed... What exatly should I look at on the Wiki? (or if you have the time and feel for it you could post it here :P )

    Edit: Thank you all for the mind explotion 101 physics and thank you Aeshi for this chart:

    I actually did a small table of this for my own Space Program. Here, I've shown what I personally would consider to be the lowest "safe" orbit you could do, along with the height that the terrain/atmosphere begins:

    Kerbin: 70 km

    (Atmosphere begins at 69.079 km)

    Mun: 4 km

    (Highest Terrain 3.335 km)

    Minimus: 6.25 km

    (Highest Terrain 5.725 km)

    Duna: 42.5 km

    (Atmosphere begins at 41.446 km)

    Ike: 13.5 km

    (Highest Terrain 12.725 km)

    Eve: 97.5 km

    (Atmosphere begins at 96.709 km)

    Ghilly: 7.5 km

    (Highest Terrain 6.4 km)

    Dres: 6.5 km

    (Highest Terrain 5.67 km)

    Moho: 7.5 km

    (Highest Terrain 6.753 km)

    Eeloo: 4.5 km

    (Highest Terrain 3.869 km)

    Jool: 139.25 km

    (Atmosphere begins at 138.2 km)

    Bop: 23 km

    (Highest Terrain 21.749 km)

    Pol: 6 km

    (Highest Terrain 5.585 km)

    Tylo: 13.5 km

    (Highest Terrain 12.695 km)

    Laythe: 56km

    (Atmosphere begins at 55,262 km)

    Vall: 9km

    (Highest Terrain 7.976 km)

  7. Someone know a updated list of all the anomalies? No need for the cords but I want to know how many there is. The Wiki is not updated and the cords list is not complete what I know of.

    Exampel: The Wiki dont say anything about the giant track marks on M*****

  8. Well if you check the descripton of the blocks and the place anywhere, there is no information that says "this only thrust the way its pointed". (You shouldn't have to check the Wiki for every part you want to put on your rocket, the information should be there)

    I've done it with the block parts before thats why I was so confused when I used the place-anywhere 7 parts. Anyway, thanks for letting me know I'm bad at the game and shouldn't play it, know what? The forum is not for everyone.

  9. 855C91B02B5A9346EAD1C5136C7F9F582915D6B9

    Fast written (you should check that video for other use too)

    1. Click "Action groups" top middle screen

    2. Click on the solar panels so they glow dark blue (It will select the group of solar pannels you put out)

    3. Select a Custom button you want them to be activated with (Custom01 for example)

    4. Click on the "toggle pannels" bar on the 3d row, it will move the option to the middle row.

    Save, go to launch and press 1 and they should go out :) Same key again and they go back in.

  10. Well it worked and I can now start to practise this even more. Docked 3 crafts now with only the IJKLHN,WASDQE keys and RCS with the ASAP locked. Thank you all! Got the block RCS ports and that made it, next time I use the "place-anywhere 7" RCS ports I will have them on the top and bottom to. Or just to make the station more stable.


    Now how do I change [unanswered]? Or do the mods do it.. Btw, many new people dont know about this issue, so maybe someone should put this thread somewhere usefull or add it in a tutorial?

  11. Yeah, there's your problem. You actually need to have an RCS thruster capable of firing in the direction you want to go. It'll probably work fine if you throw on some quad blocks where the single Place-Anywhere ones are now (although honestly I'd also make sure the top and bottom sets are lined up, as well).

    Sounds like ontop of the pod and under the engines. Looked at Scott Manley's tutorial about rendezvou (or how you spell it) and yes he uses the blocks, but only 3/4 in the middle of his craft.

    Edit: Sorry read it wrong

  12. So I have both SAS and ASAS on my new "truck" rocket to build my space station ship, now.. when I activate the ASAS/SAS(T) and then RCS® to activate the KIJL,HN keys.. It uses RCS to stable everything out and I cant use my hotkeys.

    *So I turn of the ASAS/SAS and activate the RCS, I cant use the hotkeys in stage mode. Then if I go in to the Docking mode I cant use (translation keys) W&S for forward and backwards. Is this because I dont have the ASAS activated?

    *Tips? (maybe remove the SAS?):blush:

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