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Everything posted by XerZin

  1. Wheels work if they are still on your craft otherwhise the kerbal will fix the wheel but not put it back, with other words: It will repair the well where it is
  2. Alot of people do this when they build moon bases etc on youtube, never tried it but thx for the tip. (not my thread but anyway)
  3. So I have both SAS and ASAS on my new "truck" rocket to build my space station ship, now.. when I activate the ASAS/SAS(T) and then RCS® to activate the KIJL,HN keys.. It uses RCS to stable everything out and I cant use my hotkeys. So I turn of the ASAS/SAS and activate the RCS, I cant use the hotkeys in stage mode. If I go in to Docking mode I cant use (translation keys) W&S for forward and backwards. Is this because I dont have the ASAS activated? Tips? (maybe remove the SAS?)
  4. Will try this out, not fun to allways use Mechjeb for longer and harder travels
  5. This is what I love about forums, even though you dont ask the question yourself, maybe someone else have Thanks for the tips
  6. I got my game from steam, easy access and I can upload a bunch of screanshots
  7. Welcome Yeah KSP is a easy way to kill many hours of your life, but they are fun huh
  8. Hello Just a friendly question, the name Dakota..anything to do with the Streamer?
  9. XerZin


    Well.. Thats one way to do it Welcome
  10. Anyone have a list of hotkeys? I've looked at scott's videos on youtube and when he builds he use some hotkeys that I cant find. For example: select everything and move the rocket without selecting the pod. Change how many items that I want to add on the build. Fixed/unfixed spots etc. Alot of hotkeys that I cant find in the setup menu. Same thing: If anyone knows about other hotkeys not listed in setup menu, can you please post it?
  11. So I messed around and tryed this mod out, now.. with a grapling hook/connector: Once its on a part of a plane/fuel tank I cant release it from the plane/fuel tank without releasing the hook with the part and loose the hook. Am I missing something? (didn't go EVA, do I really have to?)
  12. Well im up, all STOCK Parts:sealed: This was my first rover that I took to the Mun, classic.. nothing big. My boogie that I worked for hours with! Name: Jeb's boogie Max speed: 24.8 m/s - Kerbin Rec speed: >20 m/s - Kerbin, turns over. Weight: 3,2 ton Center of mass: 100% center Kerbins: 2xExternal command seat 1x OKTO2 prob under it for unmanned driving (I like to remove this before I take it out in space) 4xPB-NUK Generators and 4x Rechargable battery's. (Will never go out of power) I can't understand why the wheels are turn in different directions.. feels like I tryed everything to have them the same direction. Drives OK though
  13. Nice picc Press F2 next time to remove the UI and get a even better shot You can also press your middlemouse (defult settings) and you release the camera
  14. Welcome Lawthfar! May the Kerbals rest in peace before they resurrect. (up to you if you want to change it)
  15. How do I open a .sfs file? Dont have any program to do it, dont have any external programs for this. Google is your friend, notepad++ I hope this work
  16. So if you place both ASAS and SAS on your ship.. what happens? Since the Stock part of the space station have both..
  17. This looks fun I new but I do have some accomplishments
  18. Thank you all for the information you given me, it helps alot :)
  19. Swedish flag with the text "Kerbal Space Program" on it?
  20. Dont know where my Jeb is He was on a orbit around kerbin when I pressed "End flight" Now he wont come out in any of my new rockets.. where is he? (please help!?)
  21. Thank you Now I have come to a mind killer, I have built a rover and did a test drive at KSP and left it there. Then I go to the space center and try to find it under rovers section, not there, its classed as a probe. Same thing when I send up a lander around the Mun, classed as a ship. I send up a the space station core (stock) and its classed as a ship too.. why? And where is my Jeb? Had him in a ship in orbit around Kerbin, ended the flight and now he wont come out in any of my new rockets:(
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