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Everything posted by RavensLast

  1. What an asinine, ridiculous thing to say. You think that just by looking at someone's KSP forum profile that you automatically have their full background and experience? Go take a look at my profile and tell me what I have and haven't done in my life, please. I think you have other peoples' opinions confused with your own. Not everybody shares your opinion on a subject just because you think yours is so righteous. Nobody is stealing secrets here. Some things could go without being completely open-source, but is it hurting anybody being that way? No. KSP wasn't made to get your hits on your website and make you money. It might be hard to swallow, but this isn't the Minecraft community. This. Why would you be so selfish as to completely close your mod's source code across the board and refuse to publish it? Yeah, I can see some things you'd want to stay behind closed doors, such as Majiir's grid crunching code, but the entire thing? Really? Are you really so conceited that you're convinced that your ideas are such post-modern, revolutionary content? Bollocks to you. This is such selfish behavior. You're making mods and utilities for an indie game, not writing software for a major company that you're getting paid by. If you want to go get a real software engineering job that you get paid for, then, by all means do that and keep your source code to yourself. Until then, you just look like some kid that thinks he's hot and is mad because Mr. Man wants him to share. I'm not really sure what else to say as all points have already been made by other people, other than if you're going to post an argument like this, you might try at least attempting grammar and formattting that doesn't look like it was written for senior citizens by a middleschooler. Giant fonts and caps lock, despite popular belief, is not cruise control to people taking you seriously.
  2. Keeping up the good work I see, Majiir. Working flawlessly over here. Loving the hexclouds. Best easter egg ever. #K2K
  3. No clue what you're talking about. The user below me finds this circlejerk rather hilarious.
  4. You can actually see this happen every time the planet goes over the sun. You know, like, when you're orbiting the dark side of the planet. Where there's no sun.
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