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Everything posted by L33TLobster

  1. Build a space station that goes all the way around Kerbin, trapping it like the bell inside a cat toy. Build a similar one around the Mun, like a smaller but similar cat toy. Connect the two. Wait for the city to come ask about your electricity consumption. Success!
  2. The only modification here is MechJeb 1.9.8. The idea is to get a UFO in orbit, but the current design can't stabilize at 100 km. Hopefully some of you will be interested in tinkering with it! I'm still very very very new. Only had the game for about a week now. (All the screenshots were about 1.3m, so sorry for the links) http://www.flickr.com/photos/46760279@N08/8883482008/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/46760279@N08/8883480832/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/46760279@N08/8883479202/ http://www./download/anfda94y53c315b/UFO.craft
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