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Everything posted by beeblebrox

  1. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and recommendations! I've been looking at kethane for having something to boost the game experience when I'm bored later on. Right now those barren rocks of different color are sufficient as challenges. After that, as pointed out, having a purpose for building surface bases etc. would be great. Thanks for the tips! I guess when I'm skilled enough to be bored by the base game challenges I would check something like that out. However I also feel I would like to wait and see what the game studio has in mind for the game. I wouldn't want to get "stuck" with mods like these because going back to base game would mean changing many aspects of how I've learnt to play the game.
  2. Hi, Fairly new to the game. I'm looking for utility mods. Mods which doesn't make the core challenges of the base game any easier, and which doesn't add components. A few things I'm looking for: - Subassembly loader (which works for 0.2) - A notepad (taking simple notes that persist with the saves) - Info panel(s) that show misc data. E.g. something that shows my orbital altitude at all times even in map view. - VAB painkillers, like something that make it easier to snap parts together. More snap points etc. Tips of other stuff I didn't know I need is very welcome . Cheers.
  3. I'm an enthusiastic noob at this game, so my opinion probably doesn't count as much. Been playing for two weeks now. My achievements so far are limited. I've gone to both mun and minmus, with rovers, and returned safely. I've spent hours doing successful 3-connector dockings. I,ve landed on Eve. So far I haven't touched any plugs, if I ever do I suspect I will start playing the game in a completely different way. And I wouldn't want that. The only reason to try any plugs for me would be to make use of base game features that are yet to be useful. However I would much more prefer to wait for whatever intentions the ksp team has in store for those.
  4. You are way ahead of me Indeed a lot of security measures would be must-haves. And writing some plugs tailored to provide status channels is a good idea!
  5. Yes! Stupid me, genius you . That would be a great monitor as well. Sitting in the kitchen with laptop, checking in on the mission through the live stream before checking facebook etc.
  6. Thanks, but it was just a mental typo while writing the post. I mean EVA of course . Post updated.
  7. That's a good point actually, haven't thought of that. Great with all the comments! Interesting to hear about how you all relate to this. The current plan is to get a second license of the game so that I can play regularly while this project runs on a machine in the closet. I wouldn't indeed be able to stop playing for so long. Then obviously I need to prove this so I don't end up being accused of cheating like that silent hunter guy. I wonder how much storage it would take to screenrecord a 1-year mission... The only thing I see as a really critical threat is the fact that I want to do this with something which is far away, likely a jool moon, and it has to be one I haven't visited yet. Doing this project for old news would be no fun at all. That would mean doing this elaborate mission without any training or simulation, knowing only in theory that fuel will be sufficient etc. Some serious calculations need to be nailed down and I would have to get a lot better at playing the game generally.
  8. It will be like growing a plant, I agree. Absolutely thrilling. And failing at the final descent, I would probably commit suicide. A truly hazardous mission.
  9. I've played this fantastic game for about two weeks now. My greatest achievment so far is to land on Eve with pod and parachute. While doing orbital changes in the Eve mission I got a perhaps crazy idea. I had a burn comming up at ascending node to align with Eve's orbit and just briefly noticed that reaching the burn point in real time would take approx 50 days. The thought of doing a mission in realtime is blowing my mind. It would mean launching from Kerbin and then waiting ~5 minutes until I reach AP to burn into orbit. I can make pasta while waiting. It would mean waiting ~5 hours for mun encounter. It would mean waiting perhaps a month to do a correction burn while orbiting the sun. Depending on the mission one could look at completing it in say 6 months, perhaps even a year for some missions. Blog and all. Having a windows computer up and running for such length and not rebooting it is a mission in itself I guess. Having a dedicated machine for this mission is probably a nice idea. Not being able to reboot my everyday working machine is unrealistic. But let's disregard all that practical stuff (like having to wake up in the middle of the night when I reach Jool encounter). The main question is - has anybody tried this? Is the game stable enough to be up and running for months? Thanks Bib
  10. My controls seems to be permanently stuck with moving forward or turning around etc. That is if I for example send Jebediah on an EVA on a planet surface, it doesn't matter if I press W, A, S, D or anything, he just moves forward regardless, or sometimes the character just rotates. I've tried remapping the controls to other keys but with no luck. Anybody experienced this? I've tried googling for it, thinking it might be a common issue, but no luck. Regards Bib
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