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David Campbell

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Everything posted by David Campbell

  1. Game breaking : Seems to be barrier at 21Km altitude where almost all (but not all) rockets start to experience phantom forces either spinning them violently in a in recoverable manner or outright exploding them like hitting a brick wall. Docking parts have no option to decouple in the part manager (sometimes but not always) Undocking vessels are propelled to insane speeds Phantom forces spinning my vessel making any burn very challenging Antennas cannot make any kind of connection to the ComNet rendering any unmanned flight impossible Important but not game breaking : Debris and craft cannot be destroyed in the tracking station despite the option to do so being there Fun bugs : Kerbal jetpack stopping their velocity (poor man parachute I guess) Graphics : Options in the settings menu seems to have no effects on the quality of the graphics displayed Very blurry graphics when I reach could cover on kerbin Miscellaneous : Various typo in the settings screen (Don't mean to be an ass to the dev team but that doesn't show very good craftmanship...) Multiple settings are "active" at once in the settings menu Delta-V readouts in VBA appears and disappear at random when parts are added to rocket Important QOL needed : Manoeuvre nodes are just a set back from any previous version from KSP 1, we've been blessed with precise manoeuvre settings in KSP 1 and there is no going back from it. It needs to be implemented ASAP Orbital information is just to sparse, we need at the very least orbital period and inclination information, ideally we need to be able to access more even more info (Arg of Pe, Semi major axis etc...) Conic path needs to be shown in target SOI, get rid of the SOI enter and leave point (the big blue circles) they add no relevant information and clutter the map view AP, PE and Intercept markers do not show their information when adjusting a manoeuvre node Thrust to Weight ratio need to be added as a per stage value, and be adjustable by celestial body Part manager needs to show the remaining fuel value of individual tanks Hardware : ROG STRIX Z390-H Gaming Intel Core i7-9700K Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super 32Gb RAM
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