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Posts posted by Spaceisbeautifulul

  1. Jool is... not safe. When you leave ships in orbit around it they will always get an encounter sooner or later. There's just so many moons with tons of gravity. If you want to put it in a parking orbit, put it above the system (beyond pol) and that should be safe.

    Also, something I've found is that when your using time warp in Jool, without any warning, your craft will just fly out of SOI, presumably from the moons...

    Dun dun dunnnnnn


  2. It's actually more like ~52 now :P

    Once I fix up an issue with my hosting, I'll upload a decent mod-list :P

    In the meantime, text spam at bottom

    and will have a look at that ^^

    although main thing I have difficulty with is fuel efficiency, and primarily SSTO aircraft design/flying/efficiency/survival xD


    Action Group Manager, Active Texture Reduction, API Toolbar, B9 Aerospace, Chatterer, Crowd-sourced science logs, Custom Biomes, Deadly Reentry, Docking Port Align, Docking Struts, Enhanced Navball, Extraplanet Launchpads, FAR, Firespitter, Fuel Vent, Fueltastic, GS Auto Fuel Pump, HyperEdit (for testing), Interstellar, Ion Engines, Joint Reinforcement, Alarm Clock, KAS, Crew Manifest, Engineer, Kethane, KSPX, KW Rocketry, Lazor Cam, Lazor system, M2 Cockpit, MechJeb, MSI Infernal Robotics, Parts Catalog, Procedural Wings, Protractor, Quantum Strut, RCS Build Aid, RealChute, RemoteTech 2, Robotic Arms, SafeChute, ScanSat, SJ Cargo Bays, Squad Texture Reducer, TAC Fuel Balance, TAC Life Support, Targetron, TreeLoader, VNG Kerbal Parachutes, Vertical Velocity Control, Visual Enhancements (clouds and city lights)

    Mother of mods almighty, and I thought orbiter needed a ton of mods!

  3. Okay, here is the proof. The plane has a classic engine but I did not use it in this mission.

    Kerbin orbit (5) + Eve encounter (30) + Jool encounter (40) + Laythe encounter (20) + Laythe landing (25) + Recovery (10)

    I forgot Eve when I was calculating it from memory first, so it is actually 130

    There was also Vall and Tylo encounter, I'm not sure if they should be added or count together with Laythe encounter.


    Very nice! And a spaceplane too!

    Yeah, the moons all count separately.

  4. Assuming it doesn't need to be done in one flight, then I got 320 points.

    For single flight I have 100 points.

    ... with many assumptions about how these points should be added up.

    Well, I thought it was pretty self explanatory.. one flight only, and if you get like, some points for landing here, and some points for landing there, and some points for an encounter here, you just add all those up. And I'll put your 100 up. :wink:

  5. Its quite simple, try to do as much as you can, without using normal engines. What I mean is, you can only use jet engines (nope, no rapier) and nuclear engines.


    Orbit/suborbit-Kerbin: 5 points

    Encounter-Minmus: 10 points

    Landing-Minmus: 10 points

    Encounter-Mun: 15 points

    Landing-Mun: 20 points

    Encounter-Eve: 30 points

    Landing-Eve: 35 points

    Encounter-Duna: 40 points

    Landing-Duna: 30 points

    Encounter-Ike: 10 points

    Landing-Ike: 20 points

    Encounter-Jool: 40 points

    Landing-Jool: ??? points

    Encounter-Moons of Jool: 20 points

    Landing-Moons of Jool: 25 points

    Encounter-Dres: 40 points

    Landing-Dres: 20 points

    Encounter-Moho: 50 points

    Landing-Moho: 20 points

    Encounter-Eeloo: 50 points

    Landing-Eeloo: 20 points

    Recovery: 10 points

    I DID in fact try this myself, but the game reset the screenshot key for some reason, so I wasn't taking any screenshots. I got 50 points though. So... there's that.


    1: Kasuha-170 points

    2: Me-50 points


    Have fun!

  6. Mine is nothing compared to the ones above, but getting into orbit is good enough right?

    SunRunner ThreeA:

    At VAB:




    The reason its called SunRunner and not SunStreaker, is because after 27 tries at spaceplane building, and failing every time, I thought that a new name would serve as more motivation for the Kerbals flying it.

    Surprisingly it only took me 4 builds to get it right this time, which is a great big :D for the spaceplane builders. Also surprisingly, I only lost 1 pilot for all 4 versions, and I never added a single parachute to it. :cool:

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