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Everything posted by Chrash

  1. Hello, Sorry if this has been posted before but I looked back a few pages and could not find anything related. Backstory: So the reason for this request is due to the fact that I like to play with NO Quickloading and NO Respawning in my career games. If a critical error occurs and a Kerbal dies then SOL. But, with the current hiring costs for new Kerbals as high as it is (mpo), one or two failed trips and your space program can be ruined not due to lack of funds for a new ship but due to no way to get additional crew. So, The Request: A sliding difficulty (bar?) for the Crew Hiring cost, similar to the Science or Contracts rewards sliders in the New Game options screen. Preferably, to accommodate people who also want a harder experience, maybe a sliding scale from -100 (half current cost) to 100 (double current cost). Anyway, if anyone is interested in creating something like that or know if it is even possible, let me know! Thanks!
  2. Hey just wanted to say how much I am liking this mod. The dark side of the moon is now very scary. Had to do some major redesigns of my ship, and loving it! Do you have any plans to extend the mod further?? I would love to see more of the stock parts have electric drain applied: antenna?, science equip? Do you think you would be capable of applying a change to engine/thrusters? I think it is really unrealistic how thrusters give full electric gain at any throttle, it would be cool if there was a breakeven point. Lets say 1/2 throttle, below and you would be using power, above gaining. Anyway nice mod, I will be keeping my eye on this one.
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