Greetings and salutations, fellow kerbonauts! I've purchased KSP a few days ago, after gleefully launching my kerbals up into space in the demo for a full day. I think I've passed the tests, as I've managed to land a terrified Bob on the mun and got him back home in one piece, and I managed to dock a bunch of awkwardly shaped objects of non-descript scientific purpose together while orbiting our lovely mudball. Being the ambitious lobber of things into orbit that I am, I now started construction of a multi-piece space station- using quad docking ports as my OCD does not allow angles smaller than 90 degrees. Also I felt the need to reinforce the main structures with struts. I've docked three parts so far, and the whole thing is starting to lag as soon as I approach visual range. This, of course, not only reduces fun, but also makes it quite difficult to dock anything else. I'm assuming this is due to an increasingly large parts count- I roughly estimate it reaching 1000 parts, and I'm not even halfway yet. My workaround so far is using mechjeb to handle some of the docking, although he struggles with the quad ports. My question is twofold: 1. What can I currently do about this large parts count lag, aside from, obviously, keeping part count down? I've tried decreasing graphics settings but this has little effect- as physics and parts are CPU-based. 2. What has the future of KSP got in store for large part count lag? Will it be drastically improved, or am I best to forget about my ambitious plans and stick to smaller ships for now? For the record- core is 4GHz, 8GB of ram, using a Gforce GTX 560 TI, running windows 7 64bit. Thanks in advance for your feedback, I'm looking forward to contributing my bit of insanity to this community.