Lack, how do you balance the thrust with the weight so well with your VTOLs? Whenever i make a VTOL it's almost impossible for me to accurately place the engines because the rear thruster offsets the thrust vector of the vertical ones :C
So glad i asked what you'd been up too! Love the new rover parts. Inspiration from the "Last Days on Mars" rover is see? =========================== Perhaps you could have a go at the cabin and/or wheels base of this? P.S Personal life is more important that anything online so take time off if you want to. We'll still love the parts already made until you get back!
So I just finished watching "The last days on Mars". And wow. In terms of the plot i don't think it was very good but the vehicles and base is pretty damn cool. I recommend you watch it, Lack. P.S If you ever have a go at wheels, PLEASE replicate the rovers in the film!
Dude, those skids are beast. Thanks for making them! By the way, i feel like we really need some 1x1 RCS tanks. I've only seen the 1x2 and 2x4 varients so far. Or am i just blind?
It's awesome to see that a suggestion i made less than a day ago is already mostly done! Can't wait to use them for my VTOLs. And if you're up for more landing gear stuff after the skids, would you mind having a go at some radial lander legs?
Love the pics, Lack. Seems like good progress. Perhaps in the future you could make them telescopic? Maybe you could get the help of " Adie123 ", Who made these Telscopic Suspension legs:
So i've been trying my best to make VTOLs recently but have no parts to make cool-looking landing gear. Lack, could you try making some landing skids? Perhaps some legs that you could put on the underside of a ship that would retract out?