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Everything posted by Therion_Prime

  1. Oh how I love pushing Buttons in virtual Cockpits. A BIG thanks for this amazing mod (together with RPM) !
  2. Oh my, that sucks. Wouldn't hurt if the game made a quicksave automatically at the beginning of each launch. Why would anybody want to load a quicksave from many missions ago? I think this should be fixed or at least the game should display a warning that there is no quicksave of this mission!
  3. I thought I quicksaved on a mission in my career game and did a quickload, but my quicksave was from maaaaany missions ago. Now the progress of many days of playing is gone! Is there a way to restore my career progress somehow?
  4. How about making a test: Load the Kerbal X and add a 2,5m ASAS, a 2,5m battery (both right below the capsule) and 8 OX-STAT solar Panels around the ASAS. For me it performes like a charm.
  5. I started from scratch and the new ASAS works absolutely fine. Flew to the mun and back without a problem. In fact it was the most relaxed flight ever. I really like the new ASAS.
  6. Thanks, that fixed it! For my other question: Does the generic mod enabler work with KSP?
  7. While I'm not new to KSP, I'm a newb regarding mods.... and my first mod installation did go horribly wrong. I accidenitally downloaded an outdated mod AND copied it to the wrong location , now all parts are gone. Do I have to do a complete reinstall, or can steams "verify" function fix it? Can I use the "generic mod enabler" with KSP to avoid such problems in the future?
  8. Atanar is right. Seems to be a bug. It works by starting the engines two or three at a time.
  9. No, it should run just fine with that tank. It does half of the time. I figured out that if I turn the engines on two at a time, it works fine. It seems that the game is overwhelmed when you turn them on all at once and stops working. May be a bug.
  10. I'm trying to build a SSTO rocket with 8 Jet engines as a first stage but they often refuse to work. When I throttle up at liftoff, the throttle gets stuck almost every time. Has somebody else experienced this problem? Here's an image of my test rocket:
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