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  1. @ KhaosCorp - I do have the most recent version (I got it from the first page of this thread). I've also tried the 4.0 dev build which gives me the same problems. I tried downloading a fresh KSP 0.20.2 without any other mods besides KAS and it still doesn't work. I installed the Plugins, Plugin Data, and Parts folders outside of the new "GameData" folder. I'll try installing it inside the "GameData" folder when I get home. I'm really perplexed as to why it is not working.
  2. Hello everyone! I have been a fan since ISA Mapsat first came out. I love this mod! I recently updated yesterday to the most recent KSP version (I think it is 0.20.2). I tried installing ISA Mapsat the way I would prior to the new game data structure. When I load up the game, the parts are there and seem normal but when I begin to load my craft, there is no interface at all on the screen relating to ISA Mapsat. I tried right clicking on the parts and I got nothing. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, has anyone figured out what is wrong? I tried Versions 3.31 and the 4.0 Dev Build as well but I keep getting the same problem. I have a fresh KSP_Win folder with no mods in it that I am trying to get this to work with. Any help is much appreciated
  3. Hello Everyone! I'm having several issues with KAS for 0.20. So I haven't played KSP since 19.1 so a lot has changed since I last played. 1) When I tried to install KAS, I didn't place the contents in the "GameData" folder of KSP, instead placed them in the folders that I would have in 19.1 (Later I also undid my install and tried placing them in the GameData folder as well). Whenever I use anything involving KAS, I get a screen full of yellow error messages about missing textures and sound files. 2) Has anyone had an issue with the electromagnet detaching mid-warp? I was trying to bring a rover to the mun to test it out and while I was warping, I lost the rover. The rover wasn't perfectly aligned (The GUI said the cable had 0.01 left to retract although I'm not sure if that matters). The configuration I used was Winch > Connector > Electromagnet 3) Another thing that weirded me out was that I couldn't attach anything to the Electromagnet in VAB using this configuration (Any suggestions?). I had to load my rover, drive it off the launch pad, load my ship, and attach the rover to the magnet. If anyone could offer any advice or suggestions, that would help GREATLY!
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