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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well, weird thing is is that it appeared to fix itself once I got to about 18000m. I'll post a screenshot: You can see the orange (Terrain Height) scale with my altitude while the red (Height from terrain) remains constant. Then at 18000ish they switch all of a sudden and "Terrain Height" drops to and keeps a value of (-1) while the red takes over and continues the measurements. Weird....
  2. Awesome! Thanks a lot, that's much better for my setup. One thing I did find though is that in the "Altitude" readouts it appears that the values for the "Height from Terrain" and "Terrain Height" are switched. So my "Terrain Height" readout is the distance my ship is from the terrain rather than the height of the terrain itself and "Height from Terrain" appears to be the actual height of the terrain.
  3. Ok, after a few hours of troubleshooting I fixed the problem and can connect directly. Turns out that the DNS I had assigned to my desktop running KSP was different than the others on the network. Always the things most overlooked....Networking is the bane of my existence. So if anyone else has problems in the future make sure all your networking addresses are correct and set up properly and that you can ping the address on the network you are trying to reach. As for some feedback: I love it man, great stuff. I have not had any glitches or problems whatsoever. Quick question. Is there a way to change the background to a darker color? Like something I can change or add in the config files. The white is kind of harsh in a darker room. I found tuner's display easier on the eyes, but I want to use your dev build. (By the way Turner: Awesome job, I liked how you made it available all on one page. Looking forward to seeing how it develops)
  4. I just have a quick question. Here is what I did: -Port forwarded 8085 to my static ip on the computer running KSP -Tried to type in the IPs from the Debug menu (including static IP) and the port 8085 into my laptops browser. No go. -Used the IP I got from (whatismyip.c*m (I guess this is my external IP?)) to connect my laptops on the same network. It works, but I'm just wondering if this is the correct way. I thought I should be able to enter the static ip of the host computer into the laptop and have it connect directly through the router. I'm kinda new at port forwarding so I am just wondering if it is correct. The IP from (whatismyip.c*m) is totally different from the IPs given in the Debug menu. Thanks.
  5. Awesome job man! Thanks for working hard on this update and taking time to perfect it. Your skill and dedication really show in your work. And I really appreciate you not just doing a rush job for the sake of releasing it sooner. I'm Looking forward to following this great pack through the development of KSP.
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