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Bizz Keryear

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Everything posted by Bizz Keryear

  1. There are two reasons why in game is not a good idea. The loading times, it takes too long to just just test/compile a script. What is within a python program done in a few fractions of a seconds, takes in game half a minute or more. (just to get to the right screen. Game time. The time in the game continues while you sort bugs out. Well that might be ok, when you only want to archive orbit, but a pain in the ass, when you miss your transfer to ... e.g. Jool. Please note that Squad always has stated that the Solarsystem will become bigger. More Gasgiants and their moons, Asteriods and such IMHO the only place they can be placed is behind the borders of the current system. Removing parts is certainly not a good Idea. Old vessels are broken then. In space and as craft files. Anyway I have added it to the Installation and Usage in the K-OS Wiki All links are there (to the Module Manager thread as well as the download link and the needed .cfg file is also there.) I am currently suffer of brain farts. So I dunno if its understandable. This is basically what I meant with 'arrays'. To have the ability to store multiple sets of data in a single variable and to look up a specific data set by an index. If this index could itself be read from a variable, one could (besides many other cool things) iterate over all data sets in a loop. E.g. Do not wonder: Python programmer! I was about to write that solution that the Space Computer had. But someone did it before me. I may note that it only works if the Asparagus have the same size, in one of my Rockets I used a slightly bigger 1st Asparagus stage. I am currently overhauling it cause some solutions I used are now outdated (in the meaning that I used exploits in mods [fairings & collision] which nor no longer needed because now I can use Procedural Fairings).OhIhavegonesoofftopicnow. Anyway that Rocket gets a multi function satellite (originally equipped with ISA, but ISA is so dead right now and stuck in a horrible version ArrghIhatemybrainfarts) to anywhere in the Kerbal system. I better come back I know what I wanted to say....
  2. I personally second the Idea of this: It would be an easy way to add something e.g. to all command pods or probe cores at once. Without having to know what parts are installed.
  3. For various reasons I am attempted to create a compiler in Python that not only strips comments, but also verifies the code. (Its a hassle to test it with crafts.) and eventually also shortens the length of variable names. But currently I am so busy with the wiki that I barely have time to play. Yeah that would be neat. Well I don't think so. I would use Module Manager instead to make all probe cores also a k-OS computer. It would be a logic choice to do so. (since it would irrational for a probe core to not have a computer like this) What I thought it propose it was. Yeah, run into that, too. Missed to report that bug at GitHub, though.
  4. Eeeerr, can't he use a round that is build in the C he uses? I mean most languages have that build in. I am sure Python has. Isn't that the drag thing that are stored in the parts? If he had felt a gentle push to do it because I can't... (But the comment wasn't totally serious anyway) Now I have done it anyway...
  5. Dunno, I know round as context sensitive means if the first invisible digit is bigger than 5 the last visible goes up by one. E.g: 1.33533333335 would come up with round(1.33533333335 , 10) as 1.3353333334 // and round(1.33533333335 , 5) as 1.33533 // and round(1.33533333335 , 0) as 1 // and round(1.33533333335 , 2) as 1.34
  6. Meh, don't ruin my chance to recruit another editor*... But thanks. *=I was hoping to hit two birds with one stone.
  7. I highly suggest a round(<float>,<digits>) command.___________________________________ I'd like to have this in a reasonable context in the k-OS wiki. I would appreciate if you* do that, pretty PLEASE *making puppy eyes*. ___________________________________ I also forget it often enough, but there is the possibility to add more than one computer and use more than one drive.___________________________________ ___________________________________ *= Cause I have trouble with the "reasonable context" part. In other words: That should be on the wiki, but I have no clue where to put it.
  8. Well I just checked this with a vessel on the way to mün. ... The Mem usage goes (very) slowly up. I assume it is on command. But I have to validate that. KSP begins with ~2,600,000k on my computer at 2,646,588k the stutter becomes noticeable, but its still playable. Funny thing: after a while of a short stops and only short normal periods there comes a time where almost no stop is only to get much worse afterwards. At ~2,670,000k it gets real laggy. And in the moment I end the program KSP works fine again, even though the mem usage does need a while to change. Its definitly a overflow of some mem or buffer. But not the ksp reserved in general. (Also otherwise KSP would crash, I know that firsthand) OK, I missed that, since it wasn't included last time I was a bit sloppy on the manual, so i missed the to no wonder it wasn't working. Good thing we have spoken about that. Why? That's a k-OS limitation isn't it? I mean Steamgauges is showing radar:alt up to 20k. The only problem is that you have to delete the file for each edit and you cant read the file either. Thought of simple quotation marks (or whatever that is called in English) but that also doesn't work. edit: Propose on github your own C code that is has escaping characters...
  9. log to isn't implemented in the official version as far as I know. @Payload Most of the times I try not to use endless loops at all. Even when I should. But this is the kOS-interpreter. It works there, and its the shortest possible code. Purpose of the loop was to run until the vessel becomes unusable. Achievement of the program (dunno if its because 0.65 or whatever) making it run made KSP unusable (see below). And the stutter sometimes becomes really evil. Worst so far: intervals of 1 second KSP at normal speed. And the game freezes for half a second. While my CPU and GPU idles. I think the code needs an overhaul. Just before I quick saved while having a program running. End of this song was that I had to delete the vessel manually from the persistent.sfs...
  10. lately (since 0.65) I have the problem that, while a program in kOS is running, becomes "kinda" slow. I mean it runs fine with good framerate then stops completely for about half a second. Then continues for a random time and stops again. and so on. If I stop the running program everything is fine. I also have to, each time I use the kOS computer after creating a new craft, switch the power off and on. Otherwise, while the kOS seems ok, at the first command I run it freezes. Well turning it off and on also fixes that. The latest program I was running: clearscreen. set head to 270. set pich to 2. lock steering to heading head by pich. set flag to 0. until 0 { set a to ALT:RADAR. print a at (0,15). print "heading " at (0,16). print head + " " at (8,16). print " by pitch " at (0,17). print pich + " " at (12,17). on ag4 set flag to 1. on ag5 set flag to 2. on ag6 set flag to 3. on ag7 set flag to 4. if flag = 1 { set pich to pich + 1. set flag to 0. }. if flag = 2 { set pich to pich - 1. set flag to 0. }. if flag = 3 { set head to head + 5. if head > 360 { set head to head - 360. }. set flag to 0. }. if flag = 4 { set head to head - 5. if head < 0 { set head to 360 + head. }. set flag to 0. }. }. had also problems. According to the videos on ag<1-10> {do_some_stuff.}. should be conform. but if I actual use it it does nothing. You can see my workaround above. Also from time to time the plane pulled up or steered in wired directions... Even when no key was touched. I have the feeling after 0.5 it becomes buggier and buggier...
  11. Jeb would do that. (I am pretty sure about that)With a long cable from to of the rocket while lying under engine... Look at the compass the lock steering to heading XX by YY. is exactly what is written there, but your craft will roll. Unfortunately the roll is (was?) broken. Since I was busy updating the wiki I haven't that tested yet. Anyway if roll is working then the command is lock steering to heading XX by YY +R(0,0,180).. But if roll is still broken your craft will point in a random direction with that code. So better use it without. edit lock steering to heading 90 by 90 is basicly UP. facing east and up
  12. That wasn't the point.The point was that they should a. add more computers if the current space isn't enough. b. consider if they want to write a to the vessel personalized version of a program instead of a coping "ready to use with fancy menus" solution. I was not speaking of the editor! I meant the in-game command line and output screen. ... of course it would also affect this last-minute-final-edit editor. (expl: I have stoped running programs from archive, and copy them before the start. like it was intended)
  13. Anyway how the heck does mechjeb get the right numbers? An Idea: Just approach the ground slowly (2-9m/s) from a certain height ... e.g. 50m (should be enough for any ship) and when the vertical speed becomes 0 it means you have touched the ground. Also in a landing script you might want to reduce the thrust if you decent speed is too low. So if your thrust is 0 and your vertical speed is 0 it means you have successfully landed... without really knowing the true height of your ship. Well status landed is another way I guess. counter question, how many kerbals is it high when in orbit... (imagining a kerbal ladder up to geosync orbit...)
  14. I think we should drop that discussion to after 0.22 anyway. But that was my personal wishlist. No one (else) has to like it. I thought it as fun to have limitations, to raise the difficulty a bit. I personally don't think you need the ability to access the archive drive anytime. And if the 10kB isn't enough you can always add another interface. By the way it would be logic to use the module manager mod to add it to all pods/probe cores/etc. And while it is cool to have sites like Space Computer [...], you can definitely learn a lot of stuff from other peoples programs. It also takes the fun from it. If I really wanted to have a ready to use solution I would use mechjeb. No trouble with limited memory, its all full auto, it even has a scripting interface. So why choose kOS over mechjeb? Because of the limitations! But they are rendered useless if you have too much access to the archive drive. And if you program it yourself, you have to ask you do you really need that fancy menu? Maybe you will use that program (in that form) only once, so you can edit it the values and drop the menu. The launch program from Space Computer needs 7k but you can bring a vessel into a good orbit with much less lines. geeez : I did it again... I didn't wanted to discuss it and yet I done it. And one more word ... kOS always have given me the feeling of a flying home computer. ... Point added to my personal wishlist: Ability to change the style of the Interface to light blue font on dark blue background (C64 style rulez!) P.S.: Who else thinks that 0.22 comes in one month or less?
  15. In background isn't possible (yet). But the craft keeps being controllable as long as you don't lock steering and thrust. And if you run a program in a endless loop, you can use if or when Also true, but KSP don't simulates blackouts due blocking from celestial bodies. I didn't know trails yet(so I can't say something about that), but the other loggers where too slow (slowed down the game unreasonable... like Telemachus) , I had to deal with manual export, or in Telemachus from time to time I lost connection and all the data I collected so far. And I have tried quite a lot. And I had a typo. I meant statistic not static . Funny in the 80's I was on my C64/C16 with Basic... Never got assembler, though. Time needed to communicate within the Kerbaluniverse: also zero. Realism isn't everything. A game has its limits. Not only technical limits. E.g. you can't do a realistic time delay or it would be boring and frustrating. If Voyager I would be still had any reason to be controlled ... I mean there is nothing out there and the probe is currently blind (cameras are turned off) .. but if they were on and we would wan't to react to an event we have to do it 17 hours and 22 minutes before will be happened, and if the computer on the probe would be in need to request data from earth it would be at least take 34 hours and 44 before it would have those infos. Imagine a game like that. People would be bored to hell. Especially those who complain (on steam) that the loading time is too long (I think he talked about two minutes or so)... On the other hand... Lets wait and see what brings 0.22 into play. I don't like the RT Idea of delay.
  16. Things I'd like to have in kOS. (not in a specific order) Less bugsFunctions... maybe... they are not very 80's, though... how about a goto instead?File names also should eat up memory space.Limited transmission speed, depending on the max com range.Exponential falling efficiency of new antennas. Meaning: With 5 antennas you will not have the range of 5 times one antenna but e.g. 3.05 times (factor 0.75). And while 11 Antennas give you the range of 3.83 times of one. It is impossible to reach 4. (Well with 27 you reach 3.9983 which is fairly close. And 40 brings you to 3.9999597737). A 0.9 or a 0.99 factor might also be possible (0.99 means each new antenna is 0.1 less efficient than the one before).Com range of the base module should be the diameter of KSC. Vessel to Vessel communication. Send them Values. Let them run programs. Shortly lets remote use them. Even a relay network might be possible. So you want your data from Jool? Get some relay satellites!Very important: (Like in the editor) left and right arrow keys in the command line. I f* hate it to write a line complete anew if I realize that I have a typo at the beginning.Completion of (all) partly integrated function.A function, like the LOG one that someone had submitted but for some reasons isn't implemented yet, which allows you to write any data to disk. I am still looking for a good flight recorder (just for static (edit2: ups, typo meant instead: ) statistic reasons). For the reasons like above a possibility to read any value from any part.More key bindings. Not that KSP has us left with many choices, but the num keys instead. Like "on num6" for 6 on the num keypad which would you allow to have up to 15 keys which don't collide with anything in KSP and might even accessible within kOS (without irritating the user)firing / toggeling /turning on &// off any function of a part without having it in actiongroups. AGs are way to limited (symmetry: you cant fire one of a set you placed in symmetry. And there are only 10 of them. On complex mission designs they are colliding or exceeded way too fast) Edit: A few things I came across: A print without at () removes the one that where printed with at(). E.g.: clearscreen. print "I am vastly in the middle at the screen" at (15,15). wait 3. print "I should appear under the last line but instead I". print "clear the screen and write at the top of the screen.". print "I however appear under them, but however" at (0,18). print "unlike them I don't stay when the program ends" at (0,19). wait 3. Edit2: in this color
  17. I wasn't in a sane state. Lack of sleep makes me always do that. And the ironic character should be clear at the moment I called "Windows 7" a small program. I have to say it is working, but not a good code. It lacks of a loop in the count down. I have written a code that allows a unlimited (well currently only up to 99 since the code has to be extended for each digit) countdown with the amount of lines. The menu uses the same useless print all over instead of print ... at() which would use only one new line. And above all that it uses useless whitespaces for formatting reasons. And I don't like it for personal reasons. E.g.: My solarpannels are always on ag10 not ag1. My antennas are on ag9 (oneshot you see where this is going) my science is on ag8. Used in the system: (lines: 71;length:1712) //**UI Section. print "Select your orbit altitude.". print "--------------------------------". print " ". print "Use action group 9 to add 10Km to orbit alt.". print " ". print "Use action group 8 to remove 10Km from orbit alt.". print " ". print "Use action group 7 to confirm orbit alt.". until selection = 1 { on ag9 set flagup to 1. on ag8 set flagdown to 1. on ag7 set confirm to 1. if flagup = 1 { clearscreen. print "Select your orbit altitude.". print "--------------------------------". print " ". print "Default orbit alt is set to " + tOrbit + "m". print " ". print "Use action group 9 to add 10Km to orbit alt.". print " ". print "Use action group 8 to remove 10Km from orbit alt.". print " ". print "Use action group 7 to confirm orbit alt.". print " ". set tOrbit to tOrbit + 10000. print "You have selected " + tOrbit. toggle ag9. set flagup to 0. }. if flagdown = 1 { clearscreen. print "Select your orbit altitude.". print "--------------------------------". print "". print "Default orbit alt is set to " + tOrbit + "m". print " ". print "Use action group 9 to add 10Km to orbit alt.". print " ". print "Use action group 8 to remove 10Km from orbit alt.". print " ". print "Use action group 7 to confirm orbit alt.". print " ". set tOrbit to tOrbit - 10000. if tOrbit < 80000 { set tOrbit to 80000. }. print "You have selected " + tOrbit + "m". toggle ag8. set flagdown to 0. }. if confirm = 1 { clearscreen. print " ". print "You have confirmed " + tOrbit + "m". print " ". print "Lift Off in 5s.". toggle ag7. set confirm to 0. wait 2. set selection to 1. }. }. quickly optimized by me: (lines: 44;length:971) //**UI Section. print "Select your orbit altitude.". print "--------------------------------". print " ". print "Default orbit alt is set to " + tOrbit + "m". print " ". print "Use action group 9 to add 10Km to orbit alt.". print " ". print "Use action group 8 to remove 10Km from orbit alt.". print " ". print "Use action group 7 to confirm orbit alt.". until selection = 1 { on ag9 set flagup to 1. on ag8 set flagdown to 1. on ag7 set confirm to 1. if flagup = 1 { set tOrbit to tOrbit + 10000. toggle ag9. set flagup to 0. }. if flagdown = 1 { set tOrbit to tOrbit - 10000. if tOrbit < 80000 { set tOrbit to 80000. }. toggle ag8. set flagdown to 0. }. print "You have selected " + tOrbit +"m " at (0,10). if confirm = 1 { clearscreen. print " ". print "You have confirmed " + tOrbit + "m". print " ". print "Lift Off in 5s.". toggle ag7. set confirm to 0. wait 2. set selection to 1. }. }. 43.28% Space saved. As the proverb goes. "There is a lot of space in it" ....
  18. Not right now (too many mods installed), but I install it as soon as this is implemented ... That is the feature I am waiting for.So keep up the good work and go for it.
  19. Hey they are cool, but I kinda have forgotten what I am had done all those 800 hours since mid 0.19 (where I bought the game)
  20. Well, launch one vessel into Orbit. Then launch another one. Autodock. Slingshoot at moon. Flight to Jool. Atmosphere break to Bop. Into a stable Orbit. Landing there, but while at it finding a non slope landing space. Drive a rover probe around, getting it back to the lander and dock with it. Docking at Orbit. Fly back. And safely landing at Kerbin. Manned of course. (at least to Bob) All in one shot and one program (except the very first vessel, and Jeb who missed, of course, the departure from Bob.) That all should all fit in a small program, or not? (At least if you call Windows 7 a small program)
  21. Not needed. It is only one stage that contains 866 solidfuel .. only those two small boosters. As I said If I interrupt the program afterwards (after they are burned out) and do a print <solidfuel>. [B]0[/B] and if i do print <solidfuel> = 0. [B]True[/B] I didn't done that for solidfuel, though. I just seen it for Electricalenergy and liquidfuel. Even if kOS is better. it is almost the same as hitting the stage only button on the resources. And not one of those I had in mind had a asparagus design. My code is exactly like I posted it. I did copy paste it. And it is working is it is, but if I remove the comments it is not. everything in the loop freezes until the loop ends. However only if a target is not set. when <solidfuel> = 0 then { stage. }. clearscreen. print "Altitude" at (0,0). print "Apoasis" at (12,0). print "Periapsis" at (24,0). print "V-Speed" at (36,0). // Vertical Speed print "Stage Fuel" at (0,2). print "Distance" at (24,2). // Distance to target print "Acceleration" at (36,2). print "Surfacespeed" at (0,4). print "Target" at (15,4). until altitude > 10000 { print "solidfuel: " at (0,7). print <solidfuel> at (12,7). print altitude at (0,1). print ALT:APOAPSIS at (12,1). print ALT:PERIAPSIS at (24,1). print VERTICALSPEED at (36,1). print STAGE:LIQUIDFUEL at (0,3). // print target:distance at (24,3). print SURFACESPEED at (0,5). // print target at (15,5). if VERTICALSPEED > 200 AND pow > 0{ set pow to pow -0.02. }. if VERTICALSPEED < 200 AND pow < 1{ set pow to pow +0.02. }. }.
  22. On map view, though, it reacts to the arrow keys. But that is all for me. Tried a clean install? I mean deleting the mod first and the copying the update. Are you running any other mods?
  23. I actually use that to prevent the ship from rotating. Whenever I used the lock steering command. It rotated first and then stared to point where I wanted to. While on small that might be not a problem one of my bigger ships (not used after 0.6 though) is rotating too slowly. It IS actually a bad designed ship, which has also falls apart if I use too much thrust below 3km, but actually that's not the point. You should be able to adapt your program even to those ships. I consider that as broken. It worked in 0.60 and was broken with V() patch. Great! 5 pages of content where I have understand nothing of. Basically what I had understood that it was 5 pages of wild guessing until someone wrote the solution into the wiki. Why not link to the wiki directly? Have I missed something? (might be, I am not an English native) Doing a circle before landing? I mean that would basically cover the landing area.... But I guess that would use too much fuel. How about to pre examine the terrain while still orbiting? I mean you can get the geo position for each nonslope ... Not a good Idea for Kerbal or anything that has Mountains higher than 20km, though. But that might actually help for anything else. And since you know where you have to go, you can use that saved fuel for the mentioned circle. Since I was working on the list of command, I haven't had much time to play with kOS either, so I actually don't know... Btw: does someone else have now trouble with the when statement? my code is like that: ...snip when <solidfuel> = 0 then { stage. }. clearscreen. print "Altitude" at (0,0). print "Apoasis" at (12,0). print "Periapsis" at (24,0). print "V-Speed" at (36,0). // Vertical Speed print "Stage Fuel" at (0,2). print "Distance" at (24,2). // Distance to target print "Acceleration" at (36,2). print "Surfacespeed" at (0,4). print "Target" at (15,4). until altitude > 10000 { print "solidfuel: " at (0,7). //debug print <solidfuel> at (12,7). //debug print altitude at (0,1). print ALT:APOAPSIS at (12,1). print ALT:PERIAPSIS at (24,1). print VERTICALSPEED at (36,1). print STAGE:LIQUIDFUEL at (0,3). // print target:distance at (24,3). print SURFACESPEED at (0,5). // print target at (15,5). if VERTICALSPEED > 200 AND pow > 0{ set pow to pow -0.02. }. if VERTICALSPEED < 200 AND pow < 1{ set pow to pow +0.02. }. }. snip... Remark: The boosters lasts until 3700m Remark2: The stage:something thing is bugged... in KSP not in kOS, though. Since sometimes (meaning on some ships on some stages) I get a reading and sometimes not. If I am not getting one its most likely that I changed something in the order of the attached stages in the editor. A test has shown rebuilding the ship from scratch helps. I also tried "when <solidfuel> < 0.01 then { stage. }." then I added the debug parameter. The 1st time it stopped (printing) at 0.03....., I was wondering about that but I set "when <solidfuel> < 0.04 then { stage. }." The next run it stopped at 0.44 which is way too high, but I set "when <solidfuel> < 0.45 then { stage. }." anyway. Still no staging. I have to mention if I interrupt the program (with contr-C) and I enter "print <solidfuel>." It says "0" as well as "print <solidfuel> = 0" which says "True". Well if I do that prelaunch it says 866 / False. So I assume that when is (at least partly) broken. My code brings me to anther topic. print target[:whatever] locks the loop if the target is not set. I mean nothing within the loop will be processed but the rest of the code (before and after the loop) will. And the loop also ends correctly. That should be fixed, too. Edit: is lock target actually implemented for anything else than vehicles? I mean I got an freeze when I set a celestial body as target (in map view) and then typed in "lock steering to target.".
  24. since AV give back 3 floates I assume it has something to do with Navigation. Facing (as I understand this) should give back the current R() in which the ship is facing. But I still have to confirm that. edit: av is the rotation speed. and facing is odd (can't figure it out)... edit 2: gee ... v() might be fixed, but R() seems broken. 0.60: lock steering to heading 90 by 45 + R(0,0,180). made my ship flying toward 90 by 45 without rotating. 0.61: lock steering to heading 90 by 45 + R(0,0,180). still no rotating, but the angles seem random. Worst case so far: real heading 270 by 30.
  25. Well at first I would say sure, but the bool_var thing really means a boolean variable (0/1) and if I interpret the code correctly it can be any boolean which is used in the game. no matter where they come from. And float_var means the same for floats .... anything bigger than 0 is interpreted as 1. So please leave that in. And for the examples. I don't really like to have them on that page. I intended to be a short overview. I like to have examples and such on a different page... (for me its like that: once I have learned the basics I only need a overview like that. And anything more detailed only in rare exceptional cases. But I am almost unable to memories those command completely) To hear that from you make me blush. Ok, no wonder the Terminator works only halfway. Edit: @KevinLaity feel free attended anything I might have forgotten. Just add it to the to the "Things I have to somehow implement in this page:" part
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