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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Considering I lost my in progress missions, I can't jump on the Bunnies and Rainbows wagon right now. My first manned attempt to land on Duna was on the way there before the patch. After it patched, I fired it up and noticed some graphical issues. Then clicked on my spacecraft and noticed more issue. So exited (no save) and restarted. When I got back in-game, my mission was just gone. Didn't even exist. I only recently started using mods (and only 2), and if this is going to be the result every time the game is patched, then I may need to rethink that idea. But in the meantime, I haven't exactly felt the desire to dive back in.
  2. Yeah I may be borked as well. Hadn't played in a few days, as I knew this next session could take a bit. I had a craft between Kerbin and Duna, on the way for the first manned landing - and expected return. (I'd landed a probe there, but it was one-way). I had seen Steam update it a couple times in the last few days, so fired it up. I only run two mods, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Kerbal Engineer Redux. I got the pop-up about Kerbal Engineer, with the only option being "Close." Anyway, loaded into the spaceport no problem. I went to the tracking station and selected my Duna mission. When it loaded in, there were all sorts of graphics problems. Nothing at all that I would attribute to an engineer mod - HUGE caveat being that I don't know jack about modding. But when things like the nav ball and altitude counters are just blank ... there an issue. So I exited figuring maybe some loading issue from it failing to load the Kerbal Engineer mod or something. Got the same pop-up, and then got into the game. Went to the Tracking Station and .... there is no Duna mission. It is just ... gone. I didn't save anything when I exited. But my mission is just non-existent. All I could do at that point was exit out and walk away.
  3. Yeah I've had some issues with that lately as well.
  4. OK, I wasn't crazy! I saw the same thing the other day when I was trying to fly to some remote spot for temp readings. Far away so was also time-accelerating. I was so surprised by it that I swung the camera around to see if I passed a little balloon or something.
  5. Thank you for the math breakdown. Science is fun! You ask a question, you get unexpected results, and you learn something! My expected answer to the question was "Here is where (in KSP) you go to bring up that info / or / here is the mod you use" (which I don't use any mods so far). However what I got was that you have to do it yourself ... but here's how! And that is pretty darned cool.
  6. For small capsule like the Mk1 (that's the "Mercury," right?) I don't even use SAS. The shape of the underside/shield on the capsule will naturally orient itself into the retrograde direction. (All assuming there isn't anything out of line of course.) Depending on when in the tech progression I am flying, I either have 1 parachute on the top, or a pair of radials. I have also run it with a heatshield before too. It stabilizes itself. I basically keep it on trajectory by either SAS or manual - until it starts heating. Then I just plain turn off SAS and take my hands off the keyboard. Oh ... has to be on 1x time though hehe.
  7. Weird question, but how do you know that? I mean, what did you use to find that out? I'm still pretty new, just had my first Mun landing last night. So just trying to read everything I can and this looks like good info to be able to use!
  8. Hmmm. I just launched an orbital craft around Kerbin, carrying a Science module. Went to the highest point and took readings. Full "green bar" and it said it was worth 35 Science. Closed it back up and returned - science module and all. Totally recovered. 0 Science.
  9. That's what I'm not doing ... I'm not collecting it from the Science bay. Even though it is right under the capsule (and separator), I'm always too afraid for my lil Kerbonaut to let go haha. Guess I need to get over that and Learn to EVA properly. Thank you! Side note, I did just land Valentina on the Mun for the first time! Unfortunately I didn't have enough fuel to bring her home, so I reverted the mission. I'm not far enough along to mount rescue missions, and I am not leaving her there (even if she would live).
  10. Hmm, I have been watching (and re-watching, and re-watching ...) Scott Manley's videos - they are essential for anyone! That's how I am collecting as much as I am. I just think I am missing something. I'll go back and scour that one again. Will leave it "unanswered" for maybe the rest of today in case someone mentions some additional tidbit. Then I'll change it to Answered, regardless. Thanks!
  11. Delving back into KSP again after a long hiatus. Last time I was here was pre-Science. Anyway, I am having a great deal of difficulty collecting the Science that the window says I should get. For example: I send my rocket up with a Science Jr Module and Observe the Bay. The window says that I should get 25 Science by collecting, or 12 (I think) for Transmitting. So I click the green clipboard to collect it. I then send my Kerbalnaut out on EVA and take a report (and Clipboard it). I then click the capsule, and choose to Store the results. (The green text seems to say that it is only storing the EVA report?) I then splashdown and recover. No Science gained. What am I doing wrong? I feel I have left a LOT of Science on the table. I have progressed to unlocking the entire 3rd "vertical column" (has 5 items), but progress has been very slow - I think most of it has been from cruising around KSC for the "easy" Science. Anyway, what probably very simple thing am I missing? Thank you
  12. I'm a recent Kerbal enthusiast. Got the demo and three days later I paid the $23-ish for the full. I think it is the current version .20(?).
  13. Well I'm fairly new, so I'm obviously missing something. Because I quicksaved quite a few times, and then when I needed to quick-load ... there wasn't anything there.
  14. Sent some emails out to let friends know
  15. I hadn't seen that before .... that was stunning. Truly amazing.
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