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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by dracklen
Haha, wow, this was a while back. I'd be game for starting it back up again though if things aren't horribly un-updateable. The convention had become to give a report as formatted in the previous posts, and to post a "working on it" or something similar when you had the file, that way multiple people weren't attempting the challenge at once. Also the only mod in use way alarm clock to make sure windows weren't missed. The file is a bit of a monster, however!
I can just barely get a kerbonaut to orbit with my current design... Staging is somewhat difficult to plan, as keeping TWR when you lose so much surface area for engines can be daunting. I think I have a working model though, I just need more engines, I'll post my results when I get anywhere near the moon. Edit: Several tries and a whole lot of weird staging, and I can pull orbit and almost get to the mun... I don't think my computer can actually handle doing this challenge. The sheer number of engines that need to be firing to lift something capable of staging its way to the mun is giving me like 1 frame every few seconds at launch. I have a few more ideas about potential staging by frontloading huge numbers of engines onto ibeams or something that I'll try... But this challenge has defeated me for now x.x;.
I don't have too many ways to improve the design aside from making it more jet-based. I pretty much burn 70%+ of the jet fuel on a good ascent to get up to about 50+ km with 1800 m/s, and coast up a bit. Need the three jets to get off the ground at a decent speed, too. Not sure how the SABRE compares, but it seems like it might be losing some efficiency by not being able to drop the used jet tanks and intakes, as the orbital stage I used was using a .65t engine, and not much else. The payload was the NovaPunch Odin part of their Odin-Thor lander package. Its nice because its really compact so things weren't too wobbly when I tried to lift them, it has SAS on it, and a decoupler (plus they're fun to mess around with once you get them to orbit). Also used their Orbital Achievement device engine, which is sort of a slightly bigger lv-909, although I think I could have gotten by using the lv-909 with a perfect run on the jets. The orbital stage is pretty minimal, and has the Nova 3.6 ton fuel tank, which is maybe a little bit overkill, but I couldn't quite do an orbit on the stock 2.25 ton fuel tank. I think that someone could pull off a better designed jet stage with closer to the 10:1 intake ratio that could probably get a larger payload up and be going fast enough that it doesn't need a larger orbital stage. I can never seem to design a craft well enough to pull off the orbital speeds I've seen others do off just jets, though. Always seems to be too finicky if I use more than one central engine.
I've been playing around with Nova lately and wanted to try something like this, to try to improve my efficiency at getting the Odin into orbit. I always seem to have issues with with getting something with weight on it into orbital speeds with just jets, so I'm sure theres alot of improvements to be made, and I usually don't have the probe core on the main lifter, but seeing as how the spirit of the challenge was to have an independent lifter craft, I broke it up in the middle. I believe it fits all your rules, and I'm only using Jeb for the display information on this run: If my maths ok, thats 50-9.55 = 40.45 for the lifter and 10 ton load => 404.5 score Edit: Forgot to name it! Lets call it the minilift-o-matic 3.0
Challenge # 93 Complete Total Kerbals lost: 2 Total Extra-Kerbin landings: 9 Got the Charon back to Shiva station, docked it back up, and got Charon fueled up for future adventures. Challenge #94 Philsy Kerman has stolen Jeb's Buggy! He's taken it on a joy ride in the middle of the night, and drove it to the top of the mountain to the west of KSC! But then he remembered something! He's afraid of heights, and it's a whole lot scarier going down than it is coming up, so he needs to be rescued. You need to either get another brave kerbal over to the buggy to drive him safely off of the mountain, or better yet, design some kind of rescue vehicle that is capable of landing in rugged terrain on top of the mountain, and taking off again to get safely back to the launch center. Then time warp 24 hours to get us closer to some of the upcoming windows! The Buggy for reference is designed to climb mountains and hit decent speeds over the flat land to get there, but its not so great at getting down them! Speeds: Powered Wheels ~ 25 m/s, Safe with jet~ 60 m/s, max on flat land ~ 125m/s Braking: Terrible! The downward facing wings and forward com make it want to flip if you hit the breaks above ~25 m/s. Action Groups: 1) Jet Engine 2) Ladders for driver, shotgun, and rear 3) Head Lights 4) Cabin Lights 5) Tail Lights Save File: here!
Total Completed Challenges: 90 Total Kerbals lost: 2 Total Extra-Kerbin landings: 9 Mission to set up an intersect with Moho begun! Kerbal alarm clock set to about 15 days from now when the angle needs to be changed, but the approach looks really good. Not much else to show here! Mission 91: Get the interplanetary fuel depo to orbit and make the burn for Moho while the window is still open! The staging is a big weird, so fair warning, and credit to the Zenith rocket family for the main stage. (mine were having some pretty serious exploding issues) Once we get to orbit, we'll need to deorbit the propellant stage and leave the RCS stage with the various docking ports in a reasonable orbit of Moho. (Be careful not to time warp too far, there are other missions which will need to occur before this guy can reach Moho!) Save File: Here
Apologies for the delay! My internet decided to die on my halfway through! Total Completed Challenges: 85 Total Kerbals lost: 2 Total Extra-Kerbin landings: 8 The probe launched without much incident, but once we hit orbit and deorbited the launch stage, the probe managed to miss the station several times. Fortunately the ion engines are pretty good for this sort of thing, and a few minutes later, the probe was safely docked in its assigned location. Challenge 86: Get the Minmus Observatory to Minmus, preferably with the experimental rover intact. Ideal landing spots would be near the equator on a hill to maximize field of vision. The launch system is a bit weird, but assuming it doesn't blow up, it should be enough to get our brave astronomy team into orbit, and the nuclears can do the rest! 1 Controls the 4 nuclears on the lander, and 2 controls the ladders which should allow for each kerbal to exit. Don't forget to plant a flag! Save File (D'oh, knew I was forgettign something): Here!
I think I need a completely new redesign to make this beast go any faster, as if I try to add anything more to the length or the sides, the joints start tearing themselves apart near 200 m/s. But heres my record: 245.2 m/s (I've broken 250 but unfortunately couldn't break before the whole thing flipped over and exploded). I'm really interested to see what other designs come out, as I've tried several others but they all seem to have either too little or too much downward force to achieve high speeds. Slight improvements made and redesigned base yielded 287.2 m/s ... It seems the most troublesome thing so far is to provide as stable as possible a base, as even a tiny shift of the wings above 250 usually spells disaster
Challenge #83 Completed Total Kerbals lost: 2 Total Extra-Kerbin landings: 8 First step was to get a couple of extra Kerbals into our space ship! After several iterations, a quick-and-dirty crew transport ship was made. While the turning radius on this beast is nothing to boast about, our two new explorers, Fredsby Kerman and Aldbus Kerman were quickly boarded. A few minutes later they were seventy five thousand meters closer to their destiny! The trip took slightly more fuel due to a few careless piloting errors, but there should be plenty left for their future docking with the Valkyrie for their final journey. Also accomplished was a quick refueling mission to the "Slinkie" to give it some RCS in case it ever needs to see action. Challenge 84: Charon is Currently in orbit and needs to get back to the Shiva station, which is currently becoming rather crowded! Get Charon back to the station and refueled. Optional Challenge: We still need another module to counter-balance the (16.24T) Tranquility lounger for when the Valkyrie transports her to Lathe. Save File: Here!
Challenge Accepted! ETA: 2 Hrs I definitely think something went fubar with the alarm clock, may be something on my end, but nothing's showing up for me? Preparing to launch! Bringing two kerbals over to the launch pad. Kerbals loaded! Welcome to the program: Fredsby Kerman Aldbus Kerman Launch successful, circularizing at 75KM, limited fuel left on the skipper engine
Haha, yeah I probably didn't design that well for RCS usage, I had planned for the skipper stage to be ditched before even reaching orbit so that it didn't leave space junk, and then it doesn't really need RCS to get anywhere on the nuclear. I'm sure Orbart will make due (Or he may be getting a resupply drone ). From what I gather you've got it all, just do a quickie report on whats going on, any shots you took, and a challenge. Also as a note, I think there's still about a 10-15 day window before any of the major openings that people wanted to hit start coming, so probably shortish missions. Edit: Oh, I think I just realized what you asked about Drive, you don't need to reupload it to that spot. That's just one I threw up, and I don't think there really is a centralized place to put the files, just throw it into a zip and upload it wherever you find easiest.
I think if you do a File - Download it will give you the whole zip file, but if it doesn't let me know, I haven't ever uploaded one of these before so its possible i messed it up somehow 0-0; It would definitely be cool to have an abbreviated accomplishments list or something, as just skimming through the pages, there's alot to take in!
Challenge 80 Completed! Total Kerbals Lost: 0 The Mission started seamlessly! After a beautiful launch, things went a little haywire and without a SAS module, the kerbals had a bit of trouble lining up with Shiva! Fortunately with some clever wait-and-cross-your-fingers math, our intrepid kerbals managed to set up a relatively close rendezvous. And with that, our kerbals were able to get their first look at their new home! Then, a few clever alignments and the new crew was able to initiate a successful docking process! But then disaster struck! Half way through transferring crews, one of the doors got stuck, and it looked for a minute like the new crew wouldn't be able to get out of their ship! Fortunately on board the space station, they had a handy crowbar, and with a few manic swings and cries of "LET ME IN!", our new crew was able to take over Shiva. Then the old crew was off to return to Kerbin! A beautiful sunrise greeted the kerbals as they returned, safe and sound. Challenge #81: With hopes of avoiding situations like poor Herory's in the future, a new low-orbit refueling station has been developed for the mun. The hope being that future missions to the mun will have an extra safeguard of a highly mobile refueling station capable of rendezvous and refuel of small craft in low-munar orbits. Your mission is to take the Low Orbit Fuel Depo and put it into a roughly 5km orbit around the mun. The staging has been setup to provide an excess of fuel at each step in the hope that each stage will be able to either burn up in orbit, or crash into the mun. All that should remain in orbit are the fuel pod stage and the final command module stage which will eventually allow Orbart Kerman, our brave volunteer for this long-term mission, to return to Kerbin without assistance so long as he keeps a small reserve of fuel for a return trip. Save File: Here!
Challenge Accepted (My first challenge, so bear with me if I screw something up Progress: Installed the technology of quantum struts, which seem to screw with some standard kerbal orbital software, so we're relying on flying this one by eye! Orbit achieved! Waiting for a good maneuver to rendezvous. Docking Achieved. Attempting to transfer new kerbals! Critical problem! Ladder is blocking the EVA port of both of the hitchhiker storage containers! Four Kerbals are all looking to get home after being trapped on the spaceship, but they're all stuck on the staging ladder. Aha! Success! It looks like something was wrong with the doors! I managed to get them all out after a big reload! Kerbals landed, compiling a report and creating a new challenge!