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Everything posted by Mercy

  1. Oh I don't need to trust you, I know myself about those feels. Still, I hate drinking. Comes from having a borderline alcoholic mother, I suppose.
  2. Woot! Camp non-combatant is ready for, uhm... not action!
  3. Hey now, I'm sure it looks very nice on Satcharna. @Trekkette - Yeah I guess that's as good a reason as any.
  4. Haha, that sounds like a fun nickname to have If you miss your red streak, why not start doing it again?
  5. Bitchin' (Fave phrase by the way, you'll see it a lot :L), just found a bag of Haribos in my messenger bag!
  6. Most recently it was... Launch Space http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxPN0Drvb-g or Landing
  7. I just didn't want to risk it, half the lassies at my school tried to die their's dark cherry red and they mucked it up so it was inconsistent and they stained their skin and the hair got damaged. We call those girls "Period-Heads" (Pr. Peeryud-Heed)
  8. Oh wow, you have blue hair? That is bitchin'! I wanted to die my hair dark red. Like, really dark red. And not have it done badly by my friend either, I wanted it done professionally so it doesn't get all gross and messed up like most of the girls at my school. Then I realised I have no money.
  9. Does that mean I can be an engineer? AND NO I WON'T RECORD MYSELF DOING A SCOTTY IMPRESSION.
  10. Speaking of blood transfusions, I'd bet good money on half of the blood in me not being mines originally.
  11. My dad was a Warrant Officer class 2. I think that's pretty cool.
  12. Assuming the war is still there (Spoiler Alert - It will be.), then yes I shall.
  13. I want to save lives. It's always been something I feel I need to do. I also come from a militarised family so that's contributed to it.
  14. Hah. You guys should sign up with me next year as combat medics. We'll have lots of fun!
  15. ^ And that Pops your vein out for injections or removing blood. OK Leon, my bad.
  16. http://www.medicalantiques.com/civilwar/Images_2/images/tourniquet%20bourgery_small.jpg Boop
  17. Nah, the image is fine. Every time they put one around me though? Horrible. Worse than when they actually take the blood out.
  18. Tourniquets. My number 1 irrational fear.
  19. Well, I guess I should go to bed. I have the hospital tomorrow. Goodnight peoples.
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