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Everything posted by Scarking

  1. Awesome mod to see. I've been waiting for this feature in Lack Luster Labs but seeing this mod was made for it i instantly downloaded it. I encountered a lighting bug (shadows were all over the place) 5 min ago but cannot seem to recreate it so i'll shut my mouth untill i see it more often. Great work so far anyways *edit* here it is again http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/597018368788476751/3D23F937E1CDEF85E14CA2815EBEE168146702FF/ when moving the camera the shadows flicker non stop at like 40 flickers / second. it's quite distracting and obviously not ment to happen, any idears on how to fix this? *edit* My game crashed 2 times after some inactivity. might be something else causing this but haven't seen it before using this mod. Still not hating or something, but if there's a solution, i'd welcome it ^^
  2. Nope, illigal windows 7 premium ftw! The user below me is waiting for the steam summer sale to begin
  3. Not yet, but might be soon. The user below me travels with the train alot
  4. Depends on what "alot" is. i guess we can say i've got ~10. I guess that's around 15% of my games so it's abit at the least. The user below me is from Europe
  5. Nope, i actually only look at this thread lately for funz The user below me has a busy school period atm
  6. *googles pescatarian* false, i love meat The user below me plays LoL
  7. True, 19 The user below me hates jebediah
  8. false The user below me has mods installed
  9. False, i have no idear what doctor you're talking about The user below me feels like he's above me
  10. Nope, never sailed The user below me is going on a vacation within 3 weeks
  11. Not perticularly but i guess so The user below me is not the user above me
  12. THAT'S UNFAIR xD The user below me has been sick in 2013
  13. Unless i lose my legs The user below me is going to state something normal, unlike paradoxes, cookies, etc
  14. True (netherlands) The user below me has played minecraft
  15. True The user below me has a cat as a pet IRL
  16. Welcome to the forums :3
  17. Half true, i wanna see what it is before i'm attracted to it The user below me has set foot on Minmus at least 2 times
  18. Scarking


    I see, it seems my 6th post did the trick Well, i've gotta start learning stuff for the next 2 weeks, but after that i'll be continuing my minmus & eventual outerplanetary kethane station project
  19. Scarking


    Now you mention it that sounds quite logical, i don't get how i could have overlooked that I guess the Dutch could say it too and most people will understand what you mean but it's less common, i think that's why i overlooked it Anyways, do you maybe know why my signature is not displayed, while my profile says i configured it correctly? (a)
  20. Scarking


    Thanks alot mate. If i need any tutorials i'll be sure to go to the drawing board. Though i dont understand why it's called like that, might as well call it the tutorial board Now you're correct that i love to be creative but it's fairly rare i draw something because i think videogames are just alot more fascinating. The good part about that is that KSP allows for wonderfull creativity. If i get bored from KSP i'll be sure to post my creations in the Fan Works section
  21. Their feet are also alot more dense/heavy than ours since they would not be able to support a head as big as a kerbal's.
  22. Scarking


    Hej there forum, My name's Scarking (or irl Oscar). I've been here before but that was before the great reboot so i'm here to make my new entrance. I've been playing KSP quite abit, still gotta get outerplanetary but that'll eventually happen. I'm a student, doing Biology and Medical Lab Research at the HSLeiden. I like gaming, drawing, and practicing on my guitar(which i'm a beginner at). So yeah, see you guys around i'd say. ~Scarking
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