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Posts posted by kuangmk11

  1. I take a serious performance hit with this installed. I go from a solid 60 (frame limited) in VAB to around 20 even with nothing loaded. I tried both the tex packs in the OP and also a plain black 128x128 square with the same results. Specs are win7 64, nvidia 660ti GTX, amd phenom II quad @3.8ghz, more ram than unity can address. Looks great though!

  2. Got a really weird thing happening.

    My rocket keeps tipping over at a strange angle at launch if I don't put pilots into the capsule that is controlled by MechJeb. I've never seen this happen in 20.2. It's making launching test vehicles rather frustrating. If I put a pilot into the rocket it launches perfectly. No pilot and the thing goes weird on me.

    Yep, I get this too. Not only that but the navball is messed up. Here is a stock Kerbal 2 with the pod replaced with the probe and mechjeb added, sitting on the pad. Stock .21 with only Mechjeb installed, notice the navball:


    here is a link to a few more pics http://imgur.com/a/oBbb3#0

    there are in-flight and a regular K2 with MJ shots

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