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Kermit the Krog

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That's exactly it - as soon as I saw some of the new filters in Hullcam, I got to work. Here's the preliminary result after a couple passes (not to hijack the thread, of course - in fact, it's a testament to how versatile kOS is): In any case, I can definitely see your side of not putting it in - the interest is out there if you feel like throwing it in.
  2. Thanks for the work on the mod - I continue to use it on virtually every mission I skimmed the thread and checked the doc but couldn't find anything relating to this, so I have a question: Is there currently any way one can take screenshots via kOS? If not, are there plans to include this feature? Explanation: In trying to simulate early remote sensing platforms (e.g. Corona and the early Landsats), I've rigged up a passable script to predict corner lat/lng points based on the lat/lng of the center of images taken with Automated Screenshots. Unfortunately, manually starting both at slightly different times introduces a certain degree of error. Furthermore, one can't have the interval between shots vary dynamically in AS (when orbital parameters change, for example) as one could with a simple script.
  3. If it's any help, I used this site to produce the following shape: An important caveat is to design the fairing shape in that program the opposite of how you might expect (such that the top points down and the inside points to the left). To produce that I used the values noseConeShape=0.5, 0, 0.25, 0 Second disclaimer is that it needs a moderately tall payload to produce the vertical sides.
  4. Thanks very much, Camacha; it looks like the main thing I was missing was the bracketed element and the proper field name. For anyone interested, I modified Camacha's code a bit to log the value every second to a .txt file for later importing into excel. It's probably sloppy, but gets the job done for now. My hope is to eventually do away with the archaic Logomatic and Flight Recorder UNTIL ship:electriccharge < 50 { WAIT 1. SET partlist to ship:partstagged("mag"). //be sure to tag the part SET foo to partlist[0]:getmodule("DTMagnetometer"). SET output to foo:getfield("|b|"). LOG output + "," + round(longitude,2) + "," + round(latitude,2) + "," + round(altitude,2) to magb.txt. }.
  5. I want to thank you first for all the work that's gone into this mod - it's certainly changed how I conduct a lot of the mundane aspects of the game (in fact, they're rather fun now). Anyway, I'm interested in making maps of a lot of different things based on raw data (so as awesome as scansat is, I kinda prefer to generate the stuff myself & have more control) and my latest scheme is to be able to model the radiation belts and magnetosphere simulated in the Interstellar mod. I suspected that since the "Rad." and "|B|" information is displayed in a right-click menu, it might be accessible/loggable via kOS as well, albeit in a slightly more roundabout way than the simple elevation scanner I wrote earlier. Problem is that I'm quite a noob (even with the useful kOS documentation) when it comes to general coding syntax & such. So far I've only figured out that the partModules in question are FNModuleRadiation and DTMagnetometer, but my attempts to get the fields needed (and ultimately how to call everything up to log the fields I need) have been pretty fruitless. Thanks in advance - any help would be appreciated.
  6. Unless I'm much mistaken, it's the path to the model [mesh] that's giving you problems. Instead of you'd want something like I could be wrong - just never seen the MODEL tag used to do that.
  7. I've been quite impressed by your work since joining around here and I figure now is a good a time as any to thank you for the great work you do - hardly a mission goes by without using some Bobcat Ind. component. A few days ago I decided to try out the American pack - long story short, the LER components (except the rover base) are experiencing a model load error and I'm pretty sure it's only a problem on my end. Anyone have suggestions as to what to do? I've tried reducing the number of active mods, a clean install... the other usual troubleshooting measures. The output_log entry for one of the parts in question is included below.
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