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Everything posted by eedobaba

  1. IVA view currently needs a lot of expanding and retooling before playing seriously with nothing but IVA becomes reasonable. Unity has native rift support though, so once it actually makes sense, it should'n't be too hard to add in.
  2. Tried that a few times. I also tried with both DAE file format and OBJ format. It's still not outputting anything other than an 87 byte mu file.
  3. Well, looking at the console I get errors about the mesh being non manifold and "convex hull init failed". Not sure what it means. My mesh is very definitely manifold.
  4. Yes it is. I thought that was weird but didn't question it. Does that mean it's not actually packing anything into the file? Yes, the model I'm exporting uses the KSP specular shader.
  5. Just took a look and it was already checked. Tried the export again and it's still not exporting anything other than the mu.
  6. Hm, no. It's not exporting any images. Just an mu file. And yes, I have brought the textures into Unity and they display on the model fine there.
  7. Well, now I've managed to get the partools to export a model.mu file, but when I try to open KSP and look at it, the object appears invisible. There's just nothing there.
  8. Alright, that pretty much describes the last method I tried. The problem I'm running into on that one is that when I click "Write" in the part tools menu, it gives me an error saying it can't find the directory (one which is definitely there). That's where the process is breaking down now. Also, even if I can get the model working, I need some sort of documentation for CFG writing. This is the best I could find, and it looks like it could be as many as 3 or 4 builds out of date. Do you think it's still trustworthy for working with .20?
  9. I've been trying on and off for the past week or so to do some basic modding in KSP, and I'm really getting no where. All I'm trying to do is make some custom parts for a big moon base set. I'm experienced with modeling and texturing so that part isn't a problem. The problem I'm having is getting my models in and the fact that I can't find any clear, up to date documentation or tutorials. Everywhere I look there's conflicting information. For example, some tuts claim all you need to do it export straight out of Blender, while others say you have to go through Unity. There's also the issue of CFG documentation, which I'm sure varies pretty greatly between the last 5 or 6 builds of the game, so its tough to find something I can know will work with the current build. Can someone link me to a resource which is reliably up to date and clear about the process of getting models into KSP?
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