I've been trying on and off for the past week or so to do some basic modding in KSP, and I'm really getting no where. All I'm trying to do is make some custom parts for a big moon base set. I'm experienced with modeling and texturing so that part isn't a problem. The problem I'm having is getting my models in and the fact that I can't find any clear, up to date documentation or tutorials. Everywhere I look there's conflicting information. For example, some tuts claim all you need to do it export straight out of Blender, while others say you have to go through Unity. There's also the issue of CFG documentation, which I'm sure varies pretty greatly between the last 5 or 6 builds of the game, so its tough to find something I can know will work with the current build. Can someone link me to a resource which is reliably up to date and clear about the process of getting models into KSP?