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Everything posted by tyfi13

  1. I found a really strange glitch i don't know if its just me or for B9 in general. If the i bring up the center of mass indicator it works perfectly fine but if a right click a b9 engine it goes away and the only way to get it back is by deleting the craft file and copying over all of the stuff inside to a new one. it only happens with the b9 engines and only the inline ones like the d30-f7. anyone know of a fix for this? EDIT: after more testing and debugging i found it only happens with the air-breathing b9 engines (including saber) and that sometimes removing the engine brings it back if i replace it with the another of the same part from the part list.
  2. Im having problems with part loading. ksp seams to only load the parts that are in a folder by them selves. so all of the fuselages that use one model and texture with a bunch of config files to define the parts never get loaded. In other mods such as Interstellar they use the same system and it works fine. i looked through the configs and found nothing unusual, and ksp still has plenty of memory to use. i recall having this problem before but i have no idea how i fixed it.
  3. I present the Movable storage vehicleâ„¢. Perfect for all of your refueling needs, be it liquid fuel, monopropelant, or even electricity!. Now with built in circular moving utilities, no more flying about trying to land in the right place, you can just drive there! Complete with rover and skycrane ports, lights, rcs thrusters, landing legs, and antennas on the front. INSTRUCTIONS:Land with legs down then collapse them so it is at the right height. It is a bit top heavy so take corners slowly. Although it is relatively robust the landing legs and wheel structures can snap at higher G-forces. PICTURE(with arrows and text): helpful image SPECS: Parts=68 Weight=38.85 Battery Capacity=3005 Liquid Fuel=2520 Oxidizer=3080 Monopropelant=700 CRAFT DOWNLOAD Movable Storage Vehicle .craft
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