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Everything posted by box_brain

  1. I've never attempted this, but what happens when an asteroid hits an airless body at a very high speed?
  2. Great idea! definitly gonna try that out with this a-class asteroid
  3. I'm currently chasing an A-class asteroid atm, skipper engine all the way!
  4. I am very curious to see if someone actually wants to attempt this. Just imagine a giant ball-pit of E-class asteroids! Thoughts?
  5. Probably landed it top right, and then it just flipped over.
  6. This is really nice looking and very simple, do you have the craft file for it?
  7. Thanks guys for all the info, sorry I haven't replied at all, but I decided this was all a bit too much for me and I cancelled the operation. I took runes advice and am currently doing missions around Minmus and the Mun. Whatever this might mean to you guys, I've done 3 missions to mars, all of them sloppily done. So I don't think I'm ready for journey to Laythe yet.
  8. Lots of operations going on around lathe, never the less, very cool!
  9. Gonna be hard to get those guys in solar orbit .
  10. I've been having a lot of trouble lately getting to Jool with my ground base, space station, two planes, and a couple of rovers (Getting to laythe from Jool orbit should be easy). Each of these have their own nuclear tug (the tugs have 3240 units of fuel and two nuclear rockets). It took me a long time to assemble this in kerbin orbit and now I want to see if this was worth it. I wanted to do a test first so that nothing went wrong, so I took the tug with the ground base and waited for the window to Jool (using ksp transfer calculator). I used the maneuver node to see how much I would need to burn to get to Jool, the best i could get was 1934m/s for a Jool periapsis of about 1,400,000,000. I started my burn, keeping the header on the blue vector. I stopped there cause it seemed like something wasn't right. So first question is, should I keep the header on the prograde vector? Next question is how to lower that huge periapsis before actually getting into Jool orbit? Hope you guys can help me
  11. Hi bsalis, i'm having a lot of fun with your butterfly ssto, but i would really like to know what you use to refuel the plane on the ground, craft file perhaps? Thx.

  12. Im making no progress with my launch stage at the moment, it keeps exploding...
  13. Some of the images are gone because I deleted some...
  14. The lower stage had the struts ripping off making it veeeeeery wobbly. Had to decouple the stage prematurely, forcing me to use my reserves. I have to make a more stable launch stage at the moment.
  15. Hello everyone! After finishing up my Ares program, I decided to put a colony/base on the Mun. I will be adding rovers and other structures next to my base in the near future. Prospect Base ready for launch. Lift off! Had to use the nukes prematurely as my poodle wasn't giving enough thrust. Hello Mun! Forgot to add the image of me passing a shiny looking object on the north side of a large crater maybe you guys know what it is? Here we are descending after choosing to land next to an odd looking canyon. Success! Skycrane taking off. Skycrane crash sequence! Come live in this wonderful off world colony! Totally not boring at all! Besides Bob needs kerbals to hangout with. I will be exploring that canyon you see with an ATV that will land soon. Will post more very soon:D
  16. jwenting thats actually a good idea:) Im intrested in this launcher of yours, could you show me a screenshot?
  17. Jacob, not gonna upload the ship yet because of problems with the lower stage, but I'll fix it:D
  18. Wow nice job:D That must have been a lot of hard work. I would suggest trying a multi part ship to laythe maybe? I have yet to see a lander return from eve though, maybe you could surprise me?
  19. Thanks guys! I did a lot of work on my rover after this, few cosmetic changes, but it drives a lot smoother now:D Anyways do you guys know what I should do next? I've done manned/probe missions to the Mun, Minmus, and recently Duna. Im thinking about putting a base on the Mun, heres what it looks like so far: I think thats it for screenshots, seems like i put to much on this thread...
  20. I didn't expect the rover to lose control, I'll have to tweak the design a bit. Once thats done I'd like to share my rover on the spacecraft exchange:)
  21. Post card from Duna. Dunbo assumes command of the mission and they're off! Arriving back at Kerbin. Entering the Atmosphere. (I got pretty close to landing at KSC:kiss:) Mission Partial Success! Ridmy Kerman will be remembered.
  22. After choosing a landing spot, time to land on Duna. Deploying a ridiculous amount of parachutes... Touchdown! But it looks like I missed my landing spot... Detaching ATV. Ridmy and Dunbo are going to drive to the top of the crater while Doodney stays behind with the ship. Awesome view of Ike! Meanwhile...(Thats Doodney) Dunbo planting the flag. Time to get back to the ship. Underestimating the steepness of the slope, the ATV loses control and crashes, killing Commander Ridmy... After this sad event, it's time to head home...
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