I understand perfectly what you mean when you say that it passes you by very fast, i was once almost 30 min, chasing and passing by for my spacestation, trying to dock, but i figured i was having a problem with my orbit and my speed relative to my target, once thats fixed, its easy pie, now im facing a diferent problem, i dont have the target icon in space relative to my docking target, my last dockings were made visually, its not so easy but the pleasure is greater eheheh, i mean i actually have to search my target in freaking space, even when my navball is in target mode and im really near my target (500m or less), i dont have that yellow rotating aimsigth on the target. Maybe im missing something, dont know. Either way, my reply to this post is to try an help you,i am by no means an expert on KSP, ive been to the Mun a couple of times and i've only docked just a handfull of times, but i did it heheh, i can give you my skype adress and show you how to do it if you want, it's andre.p.martinho in Montijo - Portugal, i have helped a couple of my friends this way its easier because we can talk and i can show you sharing screens how to do it. I'll try to be logged on tonigh, if you want give me a call. Happy launches everyone...