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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Same problem here, i undocked my mining rig to move it to the other side of the asteroid, when i timewarped as soon as timewarp ended my pod became fixed in place causing the rest of my craft to rip off of it. After using quickload the asteroid seemed to be a fixed distance from my ship, if i throttled up the engine the asteroid (visually) remained at the exact same distance no matter what even though the orbital view showed my orbit changing. my log ended up 4MB of this: [LOG 15:39:43.070] Packing Asteroid Refinery2 for orbit [EXC 15:39:43.071] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Transform.TransformDirection (Vector3 direction) ActiveJoint.getControlOrt (Vector3 refAxis, PartSpaceMode mode) ActiveJoint.applyCoordsUpdate () ActiveJoint.onPartPack (.Part p) EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data) Part.Pack () Vessel.GoOnRails () OrbitPhysicsManager.LateUpdate () [LOG 15:39:43.102] Packing Asteroid Refinery2 for orbit [EXC 15:39:43.104] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Transform.TransformDirection (Vector3 direction) ActiveJoint.getControlOrt (Vector3 refAxis, PartSpaceMode mode) ActiveJoint.applyCoordsUpdate () ActiveJoint.onPartPack (.Part p) EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data) Part.Pack () Vessel.GoOnRails () OrbitPhysicsManager.LateUpdate () repeated over and over. I don't have the log anymore, i only had this saved to google it.
  2. With the flagpole at the KSC now being climbable I wanted to place a flag on top of it unfortunately every time I place one and exit to the space centre view the flag just disappears also it's really tricky making sure your kerbal doesn't fall off of the top when your on there placing a flag. Anyone else have this problem or is just my install being wierd? Edit: Checked my persistent.sfs and all the flags that disappeared where in there despite not showing in tracking station, after deleting them suddenly placing a flag ontop of the KSP flagpole worked.
  3. I now put all my probes in HI/LO elliptical orbits instead of circular ones to get science from the 'near' and 'high above' zones. It seems that the various layers are: 1. on the ground (biome specific) 2. over the planet (biome specific) 3. upper atmosphere (i think the nose-cone is still biome specific here, not sure) 4. in space near planet 5. in space high above planet Everything above that seems to be the suns SOI, not sure if leaving the suns SOI is another biome. Also does anyone have a list of what the 'near planet' heights are for the various planets? Currently i'm getting probes near planets with trial and error just lowering their periapsis by 5Km every orbit. If we know the near/above values for at least a few planets can it be calculated based on their size/mass? EDIT: checked wiki, it says EVA reports are biome specific in 'near space' but not in upper atmosphere.
  4. I always assumed warhammer orc-esque fungal nature reproducing through spores, the quantity over quality mindset would also fit in nicely with their willingness to die for the cause.
  5. It's 10% off and has had trading card support implemented. edit: 3 minutes later its now 40% off
  6. Universe sandbox is on sale, anyone willing to try their hand at recreating the kerbin system in it?
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