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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Alright, that solves it then! You see, running out of resources on Duna or other bigger bodies shouldn't be a problem. Minmus could have a finite number of sources of limited quantity, but larger planets should have lots of high quantity sources, not large patches of a resource that you can quickly run out. That's my three cents, I'll probably try to edit resgen.dll for my needs sometime later. Thanks for all your help!
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I gathered, Kethane is finite? As in, you can mine a finite amount of Kethane from the planet, and then it's gone? If it is, it's a major downside IMO and I'd gladly change it on my side to be infinite.
  3. One piece of station I managed to get to 250k orbit, and then to 350k orbit - using different carrier rocket. Disregard the docking port, I've already fixed that.
  4. Hello Can someone post a pic of properly set Docking Clamp Sr.? I keep having problems with docking port orientation, and I don't know which side is which. Thanks.
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