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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. As per your connection problem, hard to say without a save / screenshots. There are a number of issues with the tracking of satellites since 0.23. Try relaunching the game and try again to see if that fixes it
  2. That would be consistent with the bug filed on github that action groups override the intended behavior as well I'll update it with this info
  3. Neh, you really only need 3 of them evenly spaced, one on top of KSC and the other two pointed at that one, and an extra dish each for actual comm. (i.e. the sat above KSC needs 3 dishes and the others need 2)
  4. I'm having an issue since I updated to 1.3.3 (from your 2013. pre-release build) It's now impossible for me to switch to a different vessel without the game not knowing where it is. I have to restart the game every time. Twice even the space center wasn't loading and I could only see the atmosphere. Though I'm using several mods, there's a bunch of RT2-related exceptions in the log, as well as evidence of active ship being in a broken state during save (eeek!) https://www.dropbox.com/s/77ul6thcj9jwtvm/output_log.txt Other mods: Deadly re-entry, Kethane, Alarm clock, TAC life support, Kerbal Engineer, KW Rocketry, KAS, FAR, Interstellar, MagicSmokeIndustries, Enhanced Navball
  5. This mod looks really cool but... are the planets and moons where they should actually be? My initial math says (mind you it's 4am) Kerbin is not. I want to like and use this mod, but I also like to plan my missions. I like my missions to fail because *I* screwed up the math
  6. I would do it, knowing full well that data can be erased if I ever change my mind
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