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Everything posted by Kaboom

  1. Wish the nova punch parts pack could be used, at least 5 of the parts that connect the large CM to a few other parts. A large SAS would be helpful, unless I've managed to missed that one somewhere around here. Trying to integrate jet parts with rocket parts...it was a giant Lag bomb and crashed the game. Still its more fun than the demo.
  2. I put this into an orbit around Kearth with just 4 of those small tanks and 4 400lb engines. I had a big tank of fuel left to get out of orbit and back to land/water. I burned something like 3/8 of that tank to get back into Kearth, I ejected the tank at 1000m and landed. If that isn\'t efficient I dont know what is. I went into the old parts folder and grabbed my favorite parts and dropped those into NovaPunch\'s revised parts, so far the strut doesn\'t work with the larger parts. :\'( I\'ve got lots of folders of Silisko\'s parts that I\'ll be dropping in as well, it can\'t hurt to have moar!!! Bob and Bill are terrified :stirpot: I havent added anything for RCS or landing on the Mun, baby steps first.
  3. Left that twin engine on the launch pad again, i added 4 100lb boost engines to help with a faster launch this left that twin behind. I really love the parts menu, more things means more to play with and more to go wrong . On a side note Bill, Jeb and Bob are happy at higher alt without an engine for re-entry than they are with one.
  4. Funny I have to hold many of my engines in place with struts (4-8 of them) or the engine simply gets left on the launch pad and I dont find out about it until I need it. Then its time to abort by then it\'s too late.
  5. I\'ve been trying like a mad man to get to the Mun, last night after 30minutes of flight time I got within a stones throw of Mun only to run out of fuel, I shot my boosters way too soon, I forgot to include a stage to dump them so I carted them out to 300,000m ???. After tweaking a few things I launched her again an hour later I finally got to the Mun only to over shoot it by 2 hours. :-[ I never achieved orbit, when i got into space I looked around and Mun was right there looking at me... :w00t: Its nice to see (pics help) simple ships getting that far.
  6. So that is what is causing my rockets to break up after launching, never had that problem until I put them on. Crud, I\'ll be all night modding my ships to get them into orbit.
  7. Kaboom

    Hey Hey

    A link was posted on a gun board about this rocket game, and a few guys from there must be from here because its caught on like disease. I've been lurking here for like the last 2 months, looking at pictures of rockets and stuff which gets my mind excited. Chad, In Arizona.
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