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Everything posted by Joost66

  1. I've been playing a while and I've got plenty of screenshots. Here are but a few. Right here we have my first Munar landing, atleast in .20, as well as a flag. This would be my first attempt to land a rover on the mun. It. . .didn't go well. Upon landing and releasing the rover, it began to roll away. Landing the actual two man lander as quick as I could, I got jebediah to chase the thing down a massive hill and stop it. . .with his helmet. After this, I sadly discovered the vehicle didn't have enough solar panels or RTG's to actual power it's wheels. Shortly after, my landing mission to Minmus, using the same design as the mun, arrived. (I forgot to take pictures on the land, but not much happened other than a flag planting.) I then proceeded to launch a second, more lightweight rover, now with an unmanned lander than would demolish itself in the terrain when finished.(The explosion in the second picture is some unknown object. It just happened when I took the screenshot. Happy coincidence. I then landed a sort of habitation module for them to stay in, rather than the cramped lander can. After this I added a space tug and an observation deck to my space station, soon to be in Munar orbit once I get a drive module thing up there. Anyway, I've done lots of other things, but seeing as this post is already massive, I'll leave it here.
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