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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. the close approach distance on the map is about 273 km not one meter lol. I'm not sure what numbers rpm is pulling
  2. so I've been messing around with the p3_target40x20.txt file {1:"Target: ";"";""}{0}{1:;"Target: [#ffffff30]NO TARGET";""} $&$ TARGETNAME TARGETEXISTS {2:;" ";""}Dist: {0:SIP_6.3}m Vel: {1:SIP_6.3}m/s $&$ TARGETDISTANCE APPROACHSPEED TARGETEXISTS {3:;" ";""}R.Ang X: {0,6:0.00}° Y:{1,6:0.00}° Z: {2,6:0.00}° $&$TARGETANGLEX TARGETANGLEY TARGETANGLEZ TARGETEXISTS {0:;;" Please select a reference part "} $&$ ISREMOTEREFERENCE {0:;;" in target management menu. "} $&$ ISREMOTEREFERENCE {0:;" ";""} [#ffffff77][@x-{1:0.0}][@y-{1:0.0}]¢ [@x{1:0.0}][@y-{1:0.0}]¡ $&$ TARGETEXISTS TARGETANGLEDEV {0:;" ";""} [#ffffff77][@x-{1:0.0}][@y{1:0.0}]¤ [@x{1:0.0}][@y{1:0.0}]£ $&$ TARGETEXISTS TARGETANGLEDEV [B]{0:;" ";""} D:{1:SIP_6.3}m $&$ TARGETCLOSESTAPPROACHDISTANCE TARGETEXISTS {0:;" ";""} T:{0:METyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss.f}s $&$ TARGETCLOSESTAPPROACHTIME TARGETEXISTS[/B] {0:;" ";""} R.Velocity R.Distance $&$ TARGETEXISTS {2:;" ";""} X:{0:SIP_8.3}m/s X:{1:SIP_6.3}m $&$TGTRELX TARGETDISTANCEX TARGETEXISTS {2:;" ";""} Y:{0:SIP_8.3}m/s Y:{1:SIP_6.3}m $&$TGTRELY TARGETDISTANCEY TARGETEXISTS {2:;" ";""} Z:{0:SIP_8.3}m/s Z:{1:SIP_6.3}m $&$TGTRELZ TARGETDISTANCEZ TARGETEXISTS ________________________________________ SAS:{0,-6:"[#00ff00ff]Active[#ffffffff]";0;Off}| RCS:{1,-6:"[#00ff00ff]Active[#ffffffff]";0;Off}| {2:####.##;;"[#ff0000ff]!Empty!"}$&$ SAS RCS SYSR_MONOPROPELLANT so data is showing up on the monitors just not the right data (I'm not 1m away from the target or 33 minutes out). I've been reading the page definition files on the dev manual but its a little beyond me. A little help would be appreciated
  3. Awesome mod, thanks for maintaining MOARdV. I'm trying to do docking and rendezvous entirely from IVA, but RPM by itself does not display all the data I need (close approach distance for example). I'm pretty sure RPM can reference all the data I need but I can't find all where to edit what info is displayed on the different monitor pages. I'm not super mod savvy but I'm sure I can figure it out if you point me in the right direction. Also if anyone has a mod that does this already that I haven't been able to find that would be cool too It also could be a nice feature if you could configure the monitors in game the same way you can change what info kerbal engineer displays. I don't know how do-able this is though.
  4. Launch the Heaviest single craft into at least 100x100km Kerbin orbit within the allotted time. Craft may not be docked
  5. Launch as many craft into Kerbin orbit as possible. Heaviest craft wins! (sry if this is posted already but I'm too lazy to read through 13 pages of posts)
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