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Everything posted by NightmareRofls

  1. My DNS currently is hitronhub. I've tried using googles public DNS, but got the same problem.
  2. Maybe. I can still stream 720p - 1080p youtube perfectly fine though, and all of my steam games download regularly. It just seems like a few different things are having trouble. Is there anything I could do if I were?
  3. Thanks for the move, I didn't know where I should of put this. I have tried downloading in Chrome but I get the same results.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/z4MDbEO.png Sometimes it completely stops downloading. Browser: Firefox OS: Windows 8.1 Speedtest: http://www.speedtest.net/result/4326333242.png I have also tried disabling my antivirus, but that didn't help either. I don't think it's the download servers, because it's happened to me in a few other files as well. I've tried downloading the executable too, but that doesn't seem to work either. Thanks in advance and sorry if this is the wrong board, but it seemed the most appropriate. I've looked around to see if anyone else has had similar problems but I didnt see any threads.
  5. I heard that mapsat is compatible with .21. So I tryed to launch a satellite onto orbit... M game froze every 5 seconds for a split second, unplayable pretty much. I can confirm its the Sat because once I removed the part, I didnt have that problem anymore. Also, I don't have the icon to open mapsat on my screen. So, is it just completely incompatible or is there a fix or a user-made version that fixes this??? I found no dev made update to the mod, so im just assuming there isn't a dev made one.
  6. My game creeps crashing everytime I select a vehicle. Any idea how to fix this?
  7. I might be derping, but when I connect to a server, how do I actually view the game?
  8. Hello, I am a fairly new player to KSP, but I have already *crashed* onto the mun and planted a flag. Now I am trying to get to minmus. I designed a rocket that I *think* should do it. but when I launch, my middle engine doesnt fire and *sits* on the ground while my rocket fires away. Its like they aren't connected, even though I have tested it ALOT, and they are indeed attached. Here is a screenshot of my rocket: I have NO idea how to fix it.
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