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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Mine should be also capable of running it smoothly. You mean using LAZOR, right? I will try although I don't know how does the control limit works in that mod. Currently there is no way to recover any part of a multiple-stage to orbit craft (except of course the lander itself) short of installing probe capsules on each boosters and trying to trace it down to earth... With the mods reproducing USA shuttles program for example it becomes even more important to be able to tweak this value.
  2. It would be enough to have a slider to adjust the radius by yourself, or introduce auto-tuning option based on your example. The first is much simpler to implement though... IDK if this version is fully using all thread/cores in modern CPUs - if it does there is plenty of power on our disposal. Especially that the game is being developed for a long time now and a lot of advances were seen in the CPU world (especially in Intel's processors). What about openCL?
  3. All right, it makes sense. I thought that memory IS used in larger quantities in more power-hungry computations. Nevertheless, it is still a bubble. When you are lifting from launchpad, radius on the ground gets smaller and smaller, eventually getting out of range of simulation. There would be enough time for parts to land. And again, if your computer is capable to calculate all parts during the spontaneous disassembly, it will be able to calculate them until you order a cleanup and recovery of all surviving parts for cash. Besides, it would be good to let people with more powerful machines to decide about this radius by themselves.
  4. Thanks for answer! Do you think that now, when we are running 64bits version of the KSP and have large amounts of memory at hand, this would still cause a lot of lag? Do you know what is the control radius in the Lazor mod? Besides, what is the difference of falling apart on the launchpad and falling apart in the atmosphere? Once landed, the parts can be uncontrollable as, for example, planted flags (and recovered at the end of the mission).
  5. Hello Kerbonauts! I haven't found this topic on the banned or planned list. I couldn't find it through search either. So, my question is: Due to the fact that the parts recovery has been implemented in the career mode, can the control distance be extended to, say 10-20km? Right now, if one wants to recover parts of spaceship such as boosters after they have been detached, it is not possible if the main spaceship moves further than 2.5km from the boosters. If the control distance was to be increased (even by individual tweaking) such recovery would become possible. If I'm duplicating some post, please feel free to move or delete this one, but please point me to the main discussion about this problem Thank you!
  6. Hello, I don't know if anyone has suggested PARACHUTES in Kerbal's spacesuits? That would make catapulting possible or saving lives during failed launches/reentry What do you think?
  7. Decommissioning cost of defueling, decontamination, demolition and post-demolition upkeep are between 500M to over 1B USD - not worth trying to build new ones anymore with renewables getting cheaper and cheaper.
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