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Everything posted by Soora666

  1. yes, the landing gear is connected to the ion engines and their xenon gas tanks. Needed the ion engines to be able to make this craft small enough and light enough to be efficient for a single stage. It takes a while to make maneuvers with them but it allows for a much nicer craft
  2. Thanks, when i started designing it i wasnt sure it would even be doable without making something massive. Turns out trials and testing work wonders ^^ Let me know how it goes when you try it!
  3. Hi once again, my newest design is here and this time rather than a tiny SSTO its a fairly small SSTM! I took the SSTO 1 step further from what i build before and decided to aim for a ship capable to taking off from kerbin, landing on the mun and getting back again without refueling or losing any parts. After much testing and many trials i present to you my ship! As usual here is my download link for the ship if anyone is interested in trying it out for themselves. http://speedy.sh/GbjvM/Single-Stage-Mun-Lander.craft Here is a video showing the full event from take off at kerbin to the eventual landing back at kerbin This trip took me a fair while to complete and although it isnt perfect i managed to successfully do it. It could be better, even as it is it could be utilized better in the stages with better control and usage of gravity to make things quicker but hopefully this will suffice. As the prototype it will change and i might post a new version in the future if it proves to be a much better ship, otherwise this is fine as a proof of concept Enjoy and thanks for checking out my ship. Some screenshots of the ship flying and fully deployed are below!
  4. You should try and make it land like teslas dragon rocket on its engine. My current objective is to finish my single stage mun lander. want to be able to take off from kerbin, land on the mun then get back without dropping anything. I have almost got it done, just needs some tweaks then you will see it on here!
  5. Thanks. after you have used it, let me know what you think
  6. Hi! Im back again with a tiny SSTO, lke my previous thread with the 37, 25 and eventually 23 part SSTO i wanted to take it further and create the smallest SSTO by far and after a few days of testing....i give you. The Gonzales! Named after the Cartoon speedy gonzales for its amazing speed this 12 part Plane reaches orbit and returns safely with a starting fuel of only 10% oxidiser and 60% liquid fuel in the smallish rocket fuel tank. Here is the .craft file download for the ship http://speedy.sh/K93Uh/Tiny-SSTO-mk7.craft Here is a video demonstrating a full orbit and landing with the ship Thanks for checking out the ship, let me know what you think of it
  7. 4 winged isnt stable, it dips forward alot and requires alot more input. This ship is perfect control and holds dead straight without any SAS modules needed either. Try it and if you can make it work then let me know how!
  8. ahh its the ferram thing. i have heard scott manley talk about that alot. didnt know it was abbreviated to FAR though
  9. Problemsz, i fixed the download link so if you want to download the actual ship off of me you can now, seems it times out after a month or so, so i fixed that. It took maybe a day or so to build, rework and make the videos. Was fun to play around with. Azimech, if you wanna try it out the download link works now ^^ try testing it with the actual ship file and what is FAR?
  10. Final version added, ive tried alot of other combinations of wings but it has lesser control so this will be the final version, besides, to reduce the part count any further would invalidate the name octowing! Cut alot of the older screenshots off to make the post shorter while keeping all older versions visable
  11. You beat me to it! Seems some people are new to the internet ^^ Thanks for making a screenie of the ship download link tho, hopefully it clears things up
  12. The wierd site is actually pretty good, no adverts to watch, nothing but a download link at the top of the page. you click it and instantly get the download pop up. Much better than any of the "watch ad" or other random stuff you find on alot of sharing websites. Its also not a program, just a 34kb .craft file, you put it into the SPH folder in your KSP folder under saves and you can load the ship in game!
  13. Thanks for the comments, the ship design is amazingly agile, it can maneuver really well. The .craft file download link i supplied should give you the ship to test out and its pretty good. I tried making the wings down to 4 like an X and 3 like a normal plane and both were a fail, this design seems to work really well though. I will upload a video of the ships agility in a bit EDIT added the agility demonstration here and at the top. Enjoy
  14. Have improved the design and changed some stuff, also included a link to the ship itself if anyone wants to take it for a spin! With the 2 wing design it still works and is 14 parts although it certainly doesnt have the awesome maneuverability
  15. Final version of my ship, the octowing, finally managed to find things to remove off of it without affecting control or stability of the craft. I removed the 2 fuel tanks and replaced with a smaller, lighter 1 piece medium rocket tank and reduced the oxidiser from 220 to 44 so the weight is lower than the original but still has a similar fuel amount. Then i removed the SAS, the control isnt affected too much and in fact seems slightly more responsive, possibly due to a shorter ship now being almost the same length as the actual wings with the ram sticking out just a bit beyond the tips. The only downside is manual control slightly required during rocket power in orbit to prevent spinning (unless at 20% or less throttle) I did try going with a 3-4 wing design but they had little to no control and then i needed to add wheels in other locations which wasnt the same and made takeoff and landing harder and more unstable. Thanks for the great feedback so far! Enjoy Download link for the ship -> http://speedy.sh/RbcJH/Tiny-SSTO-mk2.craft Agility demonstration of the 25 part version (second version, trimmed down the screenshots) New updated version of my old 37 part version, i reduced the weight, removed 12 parts and slightly adjusted 1 or 2 parts and here is the end result! The old ships video and design is under this. Im trying to make the smallest SSTO possible, im enjoying the 8 wing design though which is keeping the part count a bit higher but i dont mind! Anyway, as usual, here is the video of me doing a lap of the planet and then landing it, let me know what you think. Download link for the ship -> http://speedy.sh/g4rHd/Tiny-SSTO-mk2.craft (original post trimmed) A random ship i built, wasnt originally intended for anything other than a random derp around but it turned out so good i added a rocket fuel with 2 small engines to see if i could get it to go into orbit and back again, needless to say it works splendidly and i have some screenshots of the ship and a video showing it doing a takeoff and perfect landing after achieving perfect orbit with only 10% rocket fuel used (49.9% used upon landing) BTW in the video i repeatedly say "solid state to orbit" or "solid state take off" i do know its single stage to orbit but its 4am here xD Tiredness makes for bad video recording!
  16. This is more of me showing off the 2 ships rather than any mission, just the ships i used to capture the e type. The second video especially is just me putting the ship in orbit, showing off the different things it does.
  17. Hi, loving the new update! Been messing with designs and, while using my old design i used for most of my rockets, managed to keep it and just use the new parts, to build an awesome asteroid catching ship The First one i made was the prototype, but the asteroid i was trying to catch was 8 days away and i didnt want to spend too much time building and testing so i just used the first ship and it worked out well. After getting the E type into orbit, i wanted to make a more efficient, bigger and all around more usable ship so i got redesigning and came up with a new variant of the ship which im very happy with. It gets into orbit with tons of fuel left, has the ability to drop off 50% of the fuel tanks when they are empty, making the ship lighter and lighter and the top section has 2 "escape pods" generally small ships with a parachute and some science stuff, mainly just for kerbals that are on the asteroid to be able to jump ship and go back without needing to take the whole thing back. It can also detatch the 2 huge side engines, each with 4 nuclear rocket engines on, and they both can claw into asteroids and are actually really good at doing the job, it also can just stick in as 1 big ship. Alternatively both side bits can detatch and you are left with a smallish ship with still 2 nuclear engines and a docking port on the front attatched to the top pod. Check out the video showing a basic flight of it and let me know what you think
  18. in the screenshot it says 4k parts or almost, like 3.8k. I doubt its flyable, looks crazy
  19. how does any computer run that O_o, on my youtube channel I show a ship I built that looks like the stargates Prometheus ship and its like 600 parts and is unflyable (mainly due to instability but LAG) and some of the bigger rockets ive launched have been close to 700 parts and been running at like 1 frame every second and at 10% speed or something :/
  20. Episode 4 has been added, the title has been updated and ive added direct video links to the 4 episodes in the main post now! Finally figured out how to do it, surprisingly simple but hey. Let me know if you guys like it, if anyone wants links to the ships let me know and I can see about putting them on here for people to play around with.
  21. Hi, recently I have been playing a lot of eve online and after seeing a lot of the huge ships and capital ships in the game I wanted to build something on a larger scale that could be thought of as a mother ship. My ship comes with a huge fuel amount, 8 drone/probes which each come with plenty of fuel and a full compliment of science equipment and a docking port so they can be dropped off in orbit of other planets and either sit there as a satellite or be an orbiting science station which future ships that I send can dock with and then take down to the surface to use or even just use as electric recharge/refuel stations if needed. The final part of it is the main central section. The central section can be ejected off the main body of the craft and has the majority of the batterys, a science lab, all the science stuff needed and 8 crew. Both main ships come with either nuclear power or main rocket power depending on whether it needs to be quick or if I need to conserve fuel to give options for speed etc (although I like to think of it as impulse power and warp speed ^^) The whole thing can be viewed at http://youtu.be/OEU5BThnHsc where I give a full demonstration of fuel efficiency of all parts and talk about it more in depth, giving a full talk on life of engines, show how long each part will take at full nuclear acceleration to reach duna and give a good look at it in general. Thanks for checking it out, let me know what you think, its a work in progress and this is the mk2, my next will maybe have a bit more fuel, some changed to the pods to allow the kerbals to sit on or get in them and flip the probe parts around so that they work properly (currently you need to accelerate backwards due to them being fitting the wrong way around) and im sure I will think of some other stuff to change, its a pain to get into orbit of kerbin atm with 100% fuel in the main ship so whatever changes I make for the mk3 will probably be final. Any tips are very welcome!! The main showcase of the stuff starts around the 10 minute mark, until then its talking about the ship and showing some of the stuff on it but if you want to skip straight to the showing of the main tests etc, skip to 10 mins
  22. The platform is stable due to the engines being equally placed so the 4 beams are on the 4 setting then I add the engines carefully opposite each other on the 4 setting so I ended up with 8/12 engines set up good enough that the SAS system can keep it in check. Watch ep 3 and then ask how I made it stable xD The restoration of the trees must be done through natural methods! I cannot call on the almighty options gods to do it for me. Work must go on!! Episode 3 is now live, ill edit it into the main post as well. enjoy http://youtu.be/fTP_WuEjQl8
  23. The Kerbals constant rocket launches have destroyed almost all trees, its getting dire and action has to be taken to reduce pollution! The solution the kerbals have come up with is more environmentally safe and less wasteful rocket launches! Watch the story and join the journey of the Kerbals as they relearn everything they knew about launching rockets from high altitude with minimal fuel waste, as they take their first steps into space and then off to moons and other planets. Watch as they test out the "hump drive" in episode 1, drink tea constantly, knock out Matwig religiously and otherwise torture him for your amusement! Let me know what you think, so far there is 4 episodes with more to come, enjoy! Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 http://youtu.be/fTP_WuEjQl8 Episode 4
  24. Hi, this will be the first rocket design ive posted. In a nutshell its a powerful rocket with 6 cars/rovers/science vehicles whatever you wanna call them attatched, all are self powered so no kerbals are involved and it is able to reach any planet/moon(returning is not an option with this design from most places) Heres a youtube video of it working and landing on duna All stock parts and no cheats are used for this, duna and eve are quite easy to land on so I waste a lot of fuel to make this a bit quicker but to go to other places like laythe its a long journey on slow nuclear engines. The rovers are all very strong, on the video you see me trying to actually break one on duna. Post what you think of it and if there are other similar designs, this was build purely to get a lot of rovers onto a moon/planet quickly so if you break 1 or 2 you don't need to redo a whole mission to get more up there, and lets be honest, if you break all 6 of these you need to learn to drive!
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