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Status Replies posted by Geschosskopf

  1. You're back again! \o/

    1. Geschosskopf


      The Boffins have no adventures because they're smart enough not to go to space ;)  The astronauts have no adventures because to them space is a prison sentence :D  But there is the possibility that you might get a boringly tragic tale at some point.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. You're back again! \o/

  3. Still have this cold, and it's making me grumpy and miserable... might be better if I logged off for a little while.  :mad:

    1. Geschosskopf


      My condolences.  More drinks to Greyghost's shade!  What more fitting way to ride to Cat Valhalla than on the wings of Irma?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Still have this cold, and it's making me grumpy and miserable... might be better if I logged off for a little while.  :mad:

    1. Geschosskopf


      Yup, Gus is a fighter.  He's killed at least 8 interloping cats and befriended or at least tolerated 4 others.  That I know of.  He conducts most of his inter-cat business out of my sight so I'm sure the totals in both columns are greater.  After all, he's been at it for 9 years now, throughout which time he's been out there surviving amongst all the bobcats, panthers, foxes, coyotes, and wild hogs that live in my back yard.  He's got a few notches in his ears and I've had to take him to the vet twice for claws broken off in his face, but such is the life of an outdoor alpha male cat, even when neutered.  

      I drink to Greyghost's shade.  May he (she?) be in Cat Valhalla!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Still have this cold, and it's making me grumpy and miserable... might be better if I logged off for a little while.  :mad:

    1. Geschosskopf


      Well, have your new cat close.  Cats exude an aura of all that is right and proper so will get you straightened up muy pronto.

      BTW, I only just became aware of your cat.  Did you name her Irma?  I got my current cat as a castaway kitten during Gustav, so I named him Gus.  Since then, he's been on the chipmunk diet so is 17 pounds of lean muscle and showing no signs of slowing down.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. WOOHOO... the power is back on!!! :D

    1. Geschosskopf


      Be sure to pour all gas through a coffee filter in a funnel on its way into the generator.  There tends to be a lot of rust flakes in gas available right after a storm.  That either clog the fuel filter (if there is one) or hose up the carburetor.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. WOOHOO... the power is back on!!! :D

    1. Geschosskopf


      And they ate Sir Robin's minstrels, and there was great rejoicing :)  Hope it stays that way.  Often, they just jury-rig things to start with so if another storm so much as farts in your general direction any time soon, it all comes down again.

      So charge your phone/laptop and chill your beer while the getting's good.  Fingers crossed.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Awesome, my brother and his other half just brought us a generator! We have (slightly limited) power! Most important, the fridge is back on!!! 

    ETA on the real power being restored is Friday midnight

    1. Geschosskopf


      Yay, coffee!  

      I find such times are good for practicing how to make friction fire :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Awesome, my brother and his other half just brought us a generator! We have (slightly limited) power! Most important, the fridge is back on!!! 

    ETA on the real power being restored is Friday midnight

    1. Geschosskopf


      Not bad considering the severity of the storm and the magnitude of the state's power outages.  Contact your local EOC and see if you can get a FEMA generator for your fridge to tide you over the next couple days.  And then buy one for yourself when the stores reopen.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just got up, power still off... This sucks :(

    1. Geschosskopf


      FEMA ofren has portable generators tp keep ypur fridge cold.  Ask for one.  

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Power trucks up the road, fingers crossed.

  12. Irma's eye is over us now... WOW! Wind Gusts are impressive...

    No real damage here so far, and it's still to dark outside to see clearly, but it looks like a palm tree across the street snapped in half. 

    1. Geschosskopf


      Fingers crossed.  If that doesn't work, apply to your local EOC for a portable generator so at least you can keep your beer cold---er, I mean, keep your freezer of meat from spoiling :D   Hurricanes bring in unreal humidity that lasts for weeks so while it might be nice and cool now, it';ll be sweltering in a few days.  With no AC, that gets really old really fast.  Hence the need for cold beer.,



    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. Irma's eye is over us now... WOW! Wind Gusts are impressive...

    No real damage here so far, and it's still to dark outside to see clearly, but it looks like a palm tree across the street snapped in half. 

    1. Geschosskopf


      Well, Jim, I hope you live on or near a major highway.  Those power lines get fixed first.  Otherwise, you might be without AC for weeks.  But if that's the worst of your problems, you done good :wink:

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. Irma's eye is over us now... WOW! Wind Gusts are impressive...

    No real damage here so far, and it's still to dark outside to see clearly, but it looks like a palm tree across the street snapped in half. 

  15. Irma's eye is over us now... WOW! Wind Gusts are impressive...

    No real damage here so far, and it's still to dark outside to see clearly, but it looks like a palm tree across the street snapped in half. 

  16. Irma's eye is over us now... WOW! Wind Gusts are impressive...

    No real damage here so far, and it's still to dark outside to see clearly, but it looks like a palm tree across the street snapped in half. 

    1. Geschosskopf


      Glad to hear you're still OK and surprised you have power.   Stay dry!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. Landing on Duna in the current build, with something that can take off from Kerbin under it's own power...

    1. Geschosskopf


      Impressive.  Glad you enjoy flying on Duna, too.

  18. It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the impending bankruptcy of Thunder Aerospace Corporation. Too many failed launches, with the accompanying loss of Kerbal lives, have taken their toll on the company's bottom line. We will be selling our various divisions in order to pay back our creditors. Further news will be available soonTM.



    As much as it pains me to say, I have moved on to other interests and so I do not have much time to play KSP or to work on my mods. I still think KSP is a great and amazing game and recommend it to everyone that I know. Real life and a career take up too much time, so I have to prioritize the time that is left and unfortunately KSP is not as high on the list as I would like it to be.

    I would like to do a clean handoff of any mod that someone is interested in taking over -- contact me if you are interested. I am talking to people about TAC Life Support and TAC Fuel Balancer, so those may already be taken.

    I will be extremely busy, and possibly unable to respond, during the next two weeks so I apologize in advance for any slow responses.


    Have fun,

    Taranis Elsu




    Disclaimer: Please note that I am not actually selling anything, no currency of any kind will change hands. The first part of this post was just a little roleplaying.

    1. Geschosskopf


      Fair winds and following seas in your new endeavors, TaranisElsu!  Thanks for your mods.

      BTW, if somebody would please keep Self Destruct alive, I'd be much appreciative.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

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