The whole thread went by and nobody mentioned the handy maneuver markers (in detail anyways)? You can get as far as Minmus without needing them, but after that you'll have to rely on them. Step 1: Before you even launch, designate your target. Go straight to the orbital map and click on the destination planet. (You've probably done this if you've made it to Mun, since all you really have to do is wait for Mun to center in the nav ball and aim right for it.) Step 2: Get into a stable orbit. Kerbin spins from West to East so aiming East can give you a little extra power. (If that doesn't help, I've been doing something VERY wrong on my way to every planet!) Step 3: Click anywhere on your orbit. It doesn't matter where at first. You should see an "add maneuver" option that brings up a bunch of symbols. Those symbols are controls that rotate, extend, and shrink your predicted orbit (should look like a dotted line). Mess around. No, really, blindly mess with each little symbol until you pull the orbital path out of Kerbin and just zoom out. If you don't like the position you can just click on the center and drag it along your real orbit until it's in the right place. If you mess up too much you can right click it, and get the option to cancel the path. Then just start again. Step 4: Get into position, center the blue marker in the nav ball, and fire away. Some things to pay attention to: the length of the burn, and make sure your course doesn't spear Kerbin like a shishkebab. If you find yourself making long 14 minute burns, you're doing it wrong. It may be better to set a course that lines up horizontally, and then make another maneuver or two to bring the orbit in. You'll still need leftover fuel for braking, of course. This is the easy way, but not the fuel efficient way. There's no shame in launching a wobbly 10 stage behemoth just to get to Duna or Eve if that's what it takes. At least you don't need a mod to make calculations.