Hi there, I am hoping to play with this pack, I love the SABRE engine (I was a big fan of the original HOTOL project that started a lot of that research work) but sadly, as I have been debating over on the RemoteTech thread, it seems there's a Linux related incompatibility between B9 and RemoteTech that means I cannot have both loaded into the game- the game crashes with a segmentation fault error if both B9 and RemoteTech are present together, during the loading of the internal cockpit spaces. I know both you and RemoteTech seem to be programmatically adjusting the interior spaces, so I suspect that there's a conflict that causes a linux crash, and I'm hoping you are interested in researching why. Also, yes, I know the combination runs fine on Windows, however on Linux it's a 100% crash rate. Both mods load fine if they're not installed together, so it's definitely a direct interaction between the mods.